+1 for vlabs. It's tough to argue with free lab resources :)
The caveat with vlabs is the 6 hour session limit.
I don't know this for a fact, but I believe your vlab is torn down after 6 hours, so not ideal for longer lab scenarios.
To that end and because I like to build my own labs, I run vQFXs (switches) and vMXs (routers) in my EVE-NG home lab. I believe the images are free from juniper, but you'll need a server with modest resources to run a decent sized lab. The vQFXs are also know to be "touchy" and I've had my fair share of issues with them.
Andy Lapteff
Original Message:
Sent: 11-25-2022 14:17
Subject: Virtual Lab Environment Recommendations For JUNOS
What are your recommendations for virtual lab environment in terms of software? I'm new to Junos and wanted to get my hands on some equipment but because of cost it is not in the cards.