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  • 1.  Virtual chassis member replace

    Posted 02-06-2020 17:46


    We have replace the virtual chassis member fpc1 with similar junos version and correct cable connection and reboot the VC but still FPC1 status is --> Not present.


    The FPC1 serial no. showing in below output is old one(1 (FPC 1) NotPrsnt TG4519050201). we could not see new serial no. even we connect the new switch(Sr. no. TG4519067234)


    Please suggest how to fix it.

    VC-ROOT> show virtual-chassis mode
    Current mode : Virtual Chassis with similar devices
    Future mode after reboot : Virtual Chassis with similar devices

    Current mode : Virtual Chassis with similar devices
    Future mode after reboot : Virtual Chassis with similar devices

    VC-ROOT> show virtual-chassis status

    Virtual Chassis ID: df06.dd57.82B8
    Virtual Chassis Mode: Enabled
    Mstr Mixed Route Neighbor List
    Member ID Status Serial No Model prio Role Mode Mode ID Interface
    0 (FPC 0) Prsnt TG4519100073 ex3400-48p 255 Master* N VC 4 vcp-255/1/0
    5 vcp-255/1/1
    1 (FPC 1) NotPrsnt TG4519050201
    2 (FPC 2) Prsnt TG4519050862 ex3400-48p 128 Linecard N VC 5 vcp-255/1/0
    3 vcp-255/1/1
    3 (FPC 3) Prsnt TG4519140019 ex3400-48p 128 Linecard N VC 2 vcp-255/1/0
    4 vcp-255/1/1
    4 (FPC 4) Prsnt TG459050498 ex3400-48p 128 Linecard N VC 3 vcp-255/1/0
    0 vcp-255/1/1
    5 (FPC 5) Prsnt TG4517280286 ex3400-48p 128 Backup N VC 0 vcp-255/1/0
    2 vcp-255/1/1

    Member ID for next new member: 6 (FPC 6)
    VC-ROOT> show virtual-chassis vc-port
    Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
    or ID (mbps) ID Interface
    PIC / Port
    1/0 Configured -1 Up 40000 4 vcp-255/1/1
    1/1 Configured -1 Up 40000 5 vcp-255/1/0

    Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
    or ID (mbps) ID Interface
    PIC / Port
    1/0 Configured -1 Up 40000 5 vcp-255/1/1
    1/1 Configured -1 Up 40000 3 vcp-255/1/0

    Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
    or ID (mbps) ID Interface
    PIC / Port
    1/0 Configured -1 Up 40000 2 vcp-255/1/1
    1/1 Configured -1 Up 40000 4 vcp-255/1/0

    Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
    or ID (mbps) ID Interface
    PIC / Port
    1/0 Configured -1 Up 40000 3 vcp-255/1/1
    1/1 Configured -1 Up 40000 0 vcp-255/1/0

    Interface Type Trunk Status Speed Neighbor
    or ID (mbps) ID Interface
    PIC / Port
    1/0 Configured -1 Up 40000 0 vcp-255/1/1
    1/1 Configured -1 Up 40000 2 vcp-255/1/0
    VC-ROOT> show configuration |display set |match virtual-chassis
    set virtual-chassis no-split-detection
    set virtual-chassis member 0 mastership-priority 255
    set virtual-chassis member 1 mastership-priority 255
    set virtual-chassis member 2 mastership-priority 128
    set virtual-chassis member 3 mastership-priority 128
    set virtual-chassis member 4 mastership-priority 128


    Thank you


  • 2.  RE: Virtual chassis member replace

    Posted 02-06-2020 17:53

    Hi Target, 


    What happen if you console to FPC1? are you able to log in?

    ---show virtual-chassis status and show virtual-chassis vc-port ? 

    Mostlikely when is is showing not-present it might be cabling or member is dead , but it was replaced, maybe the SFPs are not properly connected?

    Did you make sure the VC ports were properly configured?  request virtual-chassis set pic-slot 0 port X member 1 ? 

    Can you try using one VC cable and check the behavior?


    Let's do more isolation on this, hopefully these tshoting steps help to find the cause and resolve your issue.


    Thank you, 


    If this solves your problem, please mark this post as "Accepted Solution".

    If you think that my answer was helpful, please spend some Kudos.





  • 3.  RE: Virtual chassis member replace

    Posted 02-06-2020 18:09

    Hi Franky,


    Thank you for quick reply.

    Sure i will isolate the new switch and configure vc port.


    Before that here i would like to share one more observation The FPC1 serial no. showing in above output (NotPrsnt TG4519050201) is the old serial number. we could not see new serial no. even we connect the new switch(Sr. no. TG4519067234).

    Do i need to add the new FPC1 with its new serial number? but i haven't seen similar configuration for other members...Please advice.

  • 4.  RE: Virtual chassis member replace
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-06-2020 18:19

    Hi Target, 


    Thanks for the observation, you don't need to add it because is not pre-provisioned configuration (using serial numbers), since this is priority election, it will depend in some factor - first boot up time, priority, mac of chassis , etc 


    You might need to recycle the member 1 to be available for use.

    request virtual-chassis recycle member-id <member-id>   >>>>>> in your case would be 1


    Verify if the VC ports are really configured or not, if not ,  do request virtual-chassis set pic-slot 0 port X member 1 ? 





    After that (finger crossed) , you should be able to see it in the VC.


    Thank you, 


    If this solves your problem, please mark this post as "Accepted Solution".

    If you think that my answer was helpful, please spend some Kudos.