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Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

  • 1.  Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-01-2013 05:15

    We're using VPLS and L2VPN on Juniper MX for L2 connections. Signaling is done via BGP and label distribution via LDP.

    Now we want one l2vpn to use a specific path trough the network and not follow the IGP.


    I already asked this on the stackexchange site:


    We came to the conclusion that it would be best to use l2circuit and bind the circuit to a special path with a community, like described here:



    To do that I enabled RSVP and configured a specific path:
    [protocols mpls]
    label-switched-path lsp-l2circuit { to; no-cspf; preference 10; primary path-l2circut; } path path-l2circuit { strict; strict; }

     Note the "preference 10". This was done so that the rest (l2vpn, vpls) still follows LDP instead of this path.


    Then we set up the l2circuit with a community:


    [protocols l2circuit]
    neighbor {
        interface xe-1/3/0.3 {
            virtual-circuit-id 1;
            community l2circuit-community;


    And lastly we configured a policy to map this community to the lsp in the forwarding-table:


    [policy-options policy-statement l2circuit-mapping]
    term l2circuit-mapping {
        from community l2circuit-community;
        then {
            install-nexthop lsp lsp-l2circuit;
    [routing-options forwarding-table]
    export [ ecmp l2circuit-mapping ];


    Now this looks good but sadly it doesn't work. 🙂


    The l2circuit stays down with error "OL" (no outgoing label).


    In the mpls.0 table I see that the RSVP route is there but not active and I assume that that might be the problem:

          *[LDP/9] 1d 20:23:23, metric 1
                               > to via ae4.0, Push 357888
                               [RSVP/10/1] 1d 20:23:08, metric 2001
                               > to via ae4.0, label-switched-path lsp-l2circuit


    So.. my question is: Is it possible to use RSVP only for a specific l2circuit while using LDP for all other connections? If so, how do I have to configure it to make it work?


  • 2.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-01-2013 05:38


    If RSVP route is inferior to LDP route, then RSVP route won't be used, as You have already discovered.

    You have to use the following:

    1/ secondary IP on tailend/egress LSR' lo0.0


    2/ make sure You export this secondary IP into Your IGP

    3/ LDP egress policy on tailend, to insert this secondary IP into LDP

    4/ make sure primary IP stays as tailend' router-id

    5/ on tailend, use BGP export policy to modify BGP nexthop for "everything else" to use secondary IP. Do NOT modify BGP nexthop for Your L2VPN.




  • 3.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-01-2013 05:56

    2/ make sure You export this secondary IP into Your IGP

    3/ LDP egress policy on tailend, to insert this secondary IP into LDP

    4/ make sure primary IP stays as tailend' router-id

    5/ on tailend, use BGP export policy to modify BGP nexthop for "everything else" to use secondary IP. Do NOT modify BGP nexthop for Your L2VPN.



    I don't understand step 3 and 5.


    3) Why do I have to put the new IP into LDP when I want to use RSVP with it?


    5) Why is that? If I build a RSVP path to the new Loopback IP it won't be used for all the other stuff, will it?


    All in all I hoped that I could do it without another loopback-ip (We already have two, one for l3vpn/bgp, one for vpls/l2vpn). But if that is what it takes so be it...


    I thought that, when I change the next-hop in the forwarding-table, this would override the preference of the route and still use it but that isn't the case it seems.

  • 4.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-01-2013 06:10


    My answers :


    3) Why do I have to put the new IP into LDP when I want to use RSVP with it?



    Secondary IP is not inserted into TED by default. You can estalish a RSVP LSP to secondary IP only if You disable CSPF.

    Or You can use "no-install-to" and "install <secondary IP/netmask>" knobs under LSP stanza, to force installation of secondary IP into inet.3

    But then You have to change L2VPN BGP nexthop to secondary IP on tailend and I am not sure if it is possible using policy, usually L2VPN takes remote router-id as nexthop.


    @sebastianw wrote:

    5) Why is that? If I build a RSVP path to the new Loopback IP it won't be used for all the other stuff, will it?



    See above, secondary IP is not inserted into TED by default.




  • 5.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-01-2013 07:04

    @aarseniev wrote:

    Secondary IP is not inserted into TED by default. You can estalish a RSVP LSP to secondary IP only if You disable CSPF.

    Or You can use "no-install-to" and "install <secondary IP/netmask>" knobs under LSP stanza, to force installation of secondary IP into inet.3

    But then You have to change L2VPN BGP nexthop to secondary IP on tailend and I am not sure if it is possible using policy, usually L2VPN takes remote router-id as nexthop.




    thanks for your answer. I think I probably wasn't clear, we're using l2circuit, not l2vpn. I disabled the cspf in the lsp. As I see it now I would just add another loopback IP on both ends and add this to the IGP. Then I would build my RSVP path between these with strict path options. Would that work?

  • 6.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-01-2013 07:56


    AFAIK, in general You need CSPF _ON_ to use explicit paths (strict or loose, does not matter).

    You may get by with CSPF _OFF_ & explicit paths only in some simple topologies like triangles or rings.




  • 7.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-02-2013 01:34

    @aarseniev wrote:


    AFAIK, in general You need CSPF _ON_ to use explicit paths (strict or loose, does not matter).

    You may get by with CSPF _OFF_ & explicit paths only in some simple topologies like triangles or rings.







    we don't have TED information in OSPF so I can't use CSPF anyway. The goal *is* to have an explicit configured path. Reading the Juniper documentation that's what no-cspf is for. Or does it have other sideeffects?

  • 8.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-02-2013 04:42



    @sebastianw wrote:


    we don't have TED information in OSPF so I can't use CSPF anyway. The goal *is* to have an explicit configured path. Reading the Juniper documentation that's what no-cspf is for. Or does it have other sideeffects?

    Plenty. Just a few which immediately came to my mind -

    with CSPF _OFF_ You won't be able to use:

    1/ admin-groups/"link-colouring",

    2/ automatic bypasses/detours (only manual), 

    3/ TE metric





  • 9.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-02-2013 06:22

    @aarseniev wrote:

    Plenty. Just a few which immediately came to my mind -

    with CSPF _OFF_ You won't be able to use:

    1/ admin-groups/"link-colouring",

    2/ automatic bypasses/detours (only manual), 

    3/ TE metric

    Hi, that's okay, that is exactly what we want. 🙂 We want a RSVP LSP over *one* path that breaks when that path is not available. We need none of this features.


    Still, I ended up using MPLS CCC with remote-switch-interface as l2circuit will not work over a secondary loopback IP. Works just fine for us.

  • 10.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-01-2013 06:55

    Try mpls lsp tunnel cross connects:

     The RSVP-TE LSPs configured under "remote-interface-switch" are dedicated for ccc .



  • 11.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-01-2013 07:05

    @Krasi wrote:

    Try mpls lsp tunnel cross connects:

     The RSVP-TE LSPs configured under "remote-interface-switch" are dedicated for ccc .



    Wouldn't that suffer from the same problem the l2circuit has (namely that the active path would be LDP not RSVP)?

  • 12.  RE: Use RSVP only for ONE l2circuit

    Posted 07-02-2013 00:25

    You can leave these dedicated LSPs with default preference 7 - their remote next-hops wouldn't appear  in inet.3 table and wouldn't affect other services. 

