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  • 1.  Trying to convert a slax script to pyhton

    Posted 11-15-2019 12:10

    I found the login.slax in a github repository, trying to convert to python but having a hard time finding the user to logout.


    Trying to conver the slax:

    if ($response == "no") {
    var $rpc = <command> "request system logout user " _ $user;
    var $noresponse = jcs:invoke($rpc);


    to python

    with Device() as dev: #Call Device this way becuase it will automatically open and close the connection
    jcs.output('Logging Out')
    res = dev.rpc.cli('request system logout user ' + username, format='text', normalize=False)


    I am hoping someone knows how to fund the logged in user. We are suing Cisco ISE and TACACS to login which gets mapped to a local user on the switch so cant log that user out.


    I am hoping to logout the user that attempted to login using their username they entered: JDI

    show system users
    6:48AM up 1 day, 19:54, 1 users, load averages: 0.15, 0.23, 0.24
    JDIZZLE pts/0 6:14AM - -cl


  • 2.  RE: Trying to convert a slax script to pyhton

    Posted 11-17-2019 03:38

    What user names show up when you run

    show system users


    With RADIUS this does still show as the actual user name even when mapped for permissions to a local user.  If that is true for the Cisco auth you should be able to use the script as designed with user name.


  • 3.  RE: Trying to convert a slax script to pyhton

    Posted 11-19-2019 15:27

    The logged in users, my question is how to do I get the current logged in user. I have been looking at the juniper PyEZ documentation but cannot find anything

  • 4.  RE: Trying to convert a slax script to pyhton
    Best Answer

    Posted 12-19-2019 09:29

    So here is what I ended up doing


    import os # Used to retrieve the username
    import pwd # Used to retrieve the username


    # finding the username and terminal session to disconnect. Cant do just user in case someone is trying to
    # brute force login with same user somone uses becuase the alternative would be to disconnect all sessions
    # for the user
    _tty = os.environ.get("CLI_TTY") # retrieving the current terminal session
    _terminal = re.findall(r"pts/[0-9]*",_tty)
    _username = pwd.getpwuid( os.getuid() )[ 0 ] #retrieving the current username


        with Device() as dev: #Call Device this way becuase it will automatically open and close the connection
        jcs.output('Logging Out')
        res = dev.rpc.cli(
            "request system logout user " + _username + " terminal " + _terminal[0],


        print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
        # Issue with opneing Device or the username so logging out the current terminal session
        res = dev.rpc.cli(
            "request system logout terminal " + _terminal[0],