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  • 1.  Switch Port Configuration - Newbie Question

    Posted 08-24-2012 07:34

    We've got a bunch of ex2200 switches deployed and we are cutting our teeth on them.  Coming from a cisco background FWIW.


    The switches were setup by our vendor so I know we have a decent base config.  I've read tons of docs, posts and tried the IOS to JUNOS translator.  What I am trying to see is how the JUNOS gurus would translate the switch port below from IOS.  Thanks!



    interface GigabitEthernet3/31
     description F1-P13-11 - 205
     switchport access vlan 15
     switchport mode access
     switchport voice vlan 55
     switchport port-security maximum 2
     switchport port-security
     switchport port-security aging time 2
     switchport port-security violation restrict
     switchport port-security aging type inactivity
     qos trust cos
     spanning-tree portfast
     spanning-tree bpduguard enable
     service-policy input qos



  • 2.  RE: Switch Port Configuration - Newbie Question

    Posted 08-24-2012 09:16

    interface GigabitEthernet3/31
    description F1-P13-11 - 205     
    switchport access vlan 15
    switchport mode access
    switchport voice vlan 55
    switchport port-security maximum 2
    switchport port-security
    switchport port-security aging time 2
    switchport port-security violation restrict
    switchport port-security aging type inactivity
    qos trust cos
    spanning-tree portfast
    spanning-tree bpduguard enable
    service-policy input qos




    Junos commands:


    set interface xe-x/y/z description <description>

    set vlan vlan.15 vlan-id 15

    set interface xe-x/y/z.0 family ethernet-switching port mode access vlan member 15

    set vlan vlan.55 vlan-id 55

    set ethernet-switching-options voip interface xe-x/y/z vlan vlan.55

    set ethernet-switching-options voip interface xe-x/y/z forwarding-class expedite-forwarding

    set ethernet-switching-options secure-access-port interface xe-x/y/z mac-limit 2 action drop

    set ethernet-switching-options port-error-disable disable-timeout 120

    set protocols rstp interface xe-x/y/z edge

    set ethernet-swoitching-options bpdu-block interface xe-x/y/z

    set interfaces xe-x/y/z.0 family ethernet-switching filter input <filter-name>


    PS: for the cos policy, you need to go through the config guide (the cos is much more structural and modular in junos.. I would strongly suggest you to go through the cos guide and come up with the config that works for you).


    PPS: I do not have access to a switch right now and mentioned the commands from memory. please go through the syntax on the EX configuration guide and double check the config during testing before actual deployment 🙂




  • 3.  RE: Switch Port Configuration - Newbie Question

    Posted 08-24-2012 09:28


    I see what you mean about the IOS to Junos translation tool...it came up with the following:


    interfaces {

        ge-3/0/31 {

            description "F1-P13-11 - 205";

            hold-time up 0 down 2000;

            unit 0 {


                family ethernet-switching {

                    port-mode access;





    ethernet-switching-options {

        secure-access-port {

            interface ge-3/0/31.0 {

                mac-limit 2 action drop;


    So, lets create the VLAN's first:


    set vlans DATA vlan-id 15

    set vlans VOICE vlan-id 55


    Then we set the interface as an Access port using the following command:


    set ge-3/0/31.0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access


    then to assign the interface to the vlan DATA, you enter:


    set vlans DATA interface  ge-3/0/31.0


    In order to add the interface to the vlan VOICE, you enter the following:


    set ethernet-switching-options voip interface ge-3/0/31.0 vlan VOICE


    Once we have done this, we can tell the switch to apply Class of Service to all VoIP traffic originating from that interface:


    set ethernet-switching-options voip interface ge-3/0/31.0 forwarding-class assured-forwarding


    If you want to specify all access ports as VoIP ports, you can also add the following:


    set ethernet-switching-options voip interface access-ports forwarding-class assured-forwarding


    To check our work, we can run


    show vlans


    Name Tag Interfaces

    DATA 15


    VOICE 55



    Once done, we then need to do port security and setting the portfast alternative...

  • 4.  RE: Switch Port Configuration - Newbie Question

    Posted 08-24-2012 09:42

    The replacement to the spanning tree portfast would basically be:


    set protocols vstp vlan DATA interface ge-3/0/31.0 edge


    The security would be:


    set ethernet-switching-options  secure-access-port interface ge-3/0/31.0 mac-limit 2 action drop


    The interface number I am using here is to reflect what the IOS translator made it, so you'd change it to the proper interface number

  • 5.  RE: Switch Port Configuration - Newbie Question

    Posted 08-26-2012 14:44

    Additionally I would also suggest taking the the JEX and the AJEX course. They both cover port security and voice vlans. Of course the JEX will get you all you need to know and you will understand Juniper's technology, instead of someone just telling you what statements to use to configure the swithces.

  • 6.  RE: Switch Port Configuration - Newbie Question

    Posted 08-28-2012 14:31



    to add one more, if you have LOTS of these kind of ports, you might want to look into the groups statements, which are kind of a template you define for a port and then just say at the port that you want to use the template for this ports.


    (from the top of my head, dont hit me, if i remember something wrong)


    groups {                   # define a group

      InterfaceDataVoice {     # with the Name InterfaceDataVoice

         interfaces <*> {      # match it on ALL interfaces, this could also be ge-* or xe-*

           port-mode access;   # Configuration Statements for the Ports ...

           access-vlan DATA;   # ....

           [... and so on ...] #.....





    interfaces ge-x/y/z {               # inside a interface

      apply-groups InterfaceDataVoice;  # apply the group "InterfaceDataVoice"



    Now if you use this example you need to realize that you need to define the "full" config (i.e. all subhierarchies of the config, thats why you start with interfaces in the first place and do wildcard the interface name), which is because you can use apply-groups on ALL levels of the hierarchy and junos will strip the hierarchies which are above apply-groups from the groups-"template" and apply only everything inside.  That being said, you could also use this to apply the config to all ge- Ports:


    groups {                   # define a group

      InterfaceDataVoice {     # with the Name InterfaceDataVoice

         interfaces <ge-*> {      # match it on ALL interfaces, this could also be ge-* or xe-*

           port-mode access;   # Configuration Statements for the Ports ...

           access-vlan DATA;   # ....

           [... and so on ...] #.....




    apply-groups InterfaceDataVoice;  # note: this is toplevel, not inside the interfaces hierarchy




    PS: https://www.juniper.net/techpubs//en_US/junos/topics/task/configuration/junos-software-configuration-group-creating.html

  • 7.  RE: Switch Port Configuration - Newbie Question

    Posted 09-05-2012 12:01

    Thank you to everyone for the great feedback.  It has been really helpful.  It gets us by until we can get some formal training.


    I do have a follow up question.  On certain items, it appears some settings are given and do not need to be set.  For instance - setting a port as an access port - if not explicitly set, it appears to be the default.  I say appears because when looking at ports in the JWEB gui it shows all ports as access even though some do not have the explicit setting and some do (the ones we modified).  Is that correct?

  • 8.  RE: Switch Port Configuration - Newbie Question

    Posted 09-05-2012 23:03



    You're right:  every 'ethernet-switching' port that is not assinged a port-mode is an access port in the default vlan. Consider these outputs:


    root@beta-mclag1# show interfaces xe-0/0/47 | display set
    set interfaces xe-0/0/47 unit 0 family ethernet-switching

    root@beta-mclag1# commit
    commit complete


    root@beta-mclag1# run show vlans default detail
    VLAN: default, 802.1Q Tag: Untagged, Admin State: Enabled
    Number of interfaces: 1 (Active = 1)
    Untagged interfaces: xe-0/0/47.0*   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



