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  • 1.  SRX300 - Unable to install the CA and Local Certificate[.der format]?

    Posted 18 days ago

    Hey Guys, 

    I'm having issues installing the ca and local certificate? Have you encountered this issues? Im using der format , is should be supported right?

    Web  forum has little to no information about this error, so need to gather more details. 

    CA Certificate:

    root@xxxxx> ...-profile CA_240508 filename /var/tmp/ca_20240520.der
      <Find prints cut>
    Do you want to load this CA certificate ? [yes,no] (no) yes

    error: Failed to write the CA certificate to local store


    Local Certificate Installation:

    root@xxxx> ...001x203 filename /var/tmp/0813001x203_20240520.der
    error: error load certid<0813001x203>

    arv rob

  • 2.  RE: SRX300 - Unable to install the CA and Local Certificate[.der format]?

    Posted 16 days ago

    I fixed the CA Cert renew by removing the current CA certificate and loading the new one again. however is still persist for local certificate.

    Any idea? Should I create a new Certificate-id? 

    arv rob

  • 3.  RE: SRX300 - Unable to install the CA and Local Certificate[.der format]?

    Posted 15 days ago


    I have stumbled across this issue just a few weeks ago.

    It is difficult to find detailed instructions on Juniper documentation for installing local certificates.

    You can find hints on what you need to do here:

    Importing SSL Certificates for Junos XML Protocol Support | Junos OS | Juniper Networks

    My purpose was setting the device up for Telemetry and this guide helped a lot:

    dave.dev - Configuring SSL for gRPC on Junos

    In summary, you need to prepare a file that includes the device certificate and its private key.

    I have succeeded in that using PEM format (not mentioned in the Juniper link above). Not sure if DER will work.

    If the private key is using a passphrase keep it handy because you will need it during the import.

    I wish Juniper had more clear instructions on this matter.

    Hope this helps,

