thanks for your replies. Yes, NTP is for SRX own system time. i'm not looking for a specific number of servers that can be configured but for the SRX limit itself if there's any. in regards of the election mechanism i was looking for the SRX logic when choosing the best clock.
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2023 12:05
From: bkamen
Subject: SRX 5600 NTP limitations and algorithm
As already mentioned - you don't need a lot of servers.
Normally when asking the DNS servers of one of the pools @ NTP.org, they'll hand back 4 servers. (last I checked)
This is MORE than plenty to keep a time-keeper on your network happy.
I'd have to go look to see if JunOS has the "prefer" flag - typically in a NTP.conf file, you put "prefer" on the line of the ntp server that takes priority over all the others. (although the man pages don't specify if 'prefer' can be used with more than one server in a single config. I suppose I could ask the NTP mailing list I'm on.)
Is this JUST to set the time on the SRX system?
Ben Kamen
Original Message:
Sent: 11-30-2023 03:36
From: Anonymous
Subject: SRX 5600 NTP limitations and algorithm
This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
Dear community
I have two questions related to the Juniper SRX NTP services (5600 series). First question is about the maximum number of servers that can be configured and second is about the election of the best clock source in terms of election mechanism /algorithm used by the Junos.
Thanks in advance