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  • 1.  Shorthand for bridging multiple VLANS?

    Posted 10-28-2021 09:47
    Hi all,

    We've got a wholesale provider who hands customer traffic over on multiple vlans (one:one customer to VLAN) per interface.

    Currently adding groups of these with a script to a small handful of bridge domains in Service Provider style on the MX platform.

    Is there a more shorthand way, using something like vlan-id-list or vlan all? Have tried a variety of configs but none are producing remotely usable results.


  • 2.  RE: Shorthand for bridging multiple VLANS?

    Posted 11-19-2021 15:13
    What about using one QinQ inside your network.
    Just swallow pack/unpack all vlans on the edge ports of your network and let your client do not disturb you with his vlans.
