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  • 1.  Shell Mode in junos CLI

    Posted 02-08-2016 01:08



    why shell mode(root@%) is used in Junos CLI and what are the commands used in shell mode.




  • 2.  RE: Shell Mode in junos CLI

    Posted 02-08-2016 01:34

    Hello ,


    Shell is mainly used for fetching the details from forwarding engine in Junos architecture . Normally there is no command from shell other than  file system commands . We need to either log into the operation Mode  ( root>  ) by typing cli  or log into the  vty based on the device .

  • 3.  RE: Shell Mode in junos CLI

    Posted 02-08-2016 02:31

    Thanks for quick response.

    I have read somewhere, that

    "Shell mode is used to create the directories for separate users .
    you can save the cli configuration in shell by making the separate directory of configuration.
    Also, something related to bootable external drives."
    Please guide me for same to have better clearity.

  • 4.  RE: Shell Mode in junos CLI
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-08-2016 07:10



    AFAIK, when you add a new user their home directory is created automatically, and I wasn't aware that there was a need to manually create each users home directory; although you can create additional directories etc., via the shell.


    space@mySRX> start shell
    % pwd
    % mkdir myBackups
    % exit

    space@mySRX> configure
    Entering configuration mode

    space@mySRX# save myBackups/myConfig.cfg
    Wrote 418 lines of configuration to 'myBackups/myConfig.cfg'

    space@mySRX# run file list myBackups/



    Yes, you can mount/format a USB stick from the command line, have to admit that I forgot about that one, which is probably an indication of how frequently (or not) I perform that task.


    A link in relation to KB article that covers this for an SRX is below:





    space@mySRX> start shell 
    % su 
    root@mySRX% mount -t msdos /dev/da1s1 /mnt
    root@mySRX% mkdir /mnt/myBackups
    root@mySRX% cp /var/home/space/myBackups/myConfig.cfg /mnt/myBackups/.
    root@mySRX% umount /mnt
    root@mySRX% exit
    % exit

    space@mySRX> exit





  • 5.  RE: Shell Mode in junos CLI

    Posted 02-08-2016 02:23

    Junos OS is based on FreeBSD, and as such when you login to Junos OS as root, you commence at the FreeBSD shell prompt. 


    As root, you can then jump into the JunOS CLI by entering the "cli" command.


    For a non-root user the prompt is not typically the FreeBSD shell and is instead the CLI.  Although if they have sufficient permissions then those users can switch to the shell via the "start shell", "start shell sh" or "start shell csh" commands etc., although "sh" is really "bash".


    You could also make a user default to ba"sh" or "csh" by setting the hidden configuration knob: 

    system {
      login {
    class shell-user {
    permissions shell;
    allow-commands "show cli authorization";
    } user joe { class shell-user;
    shell sh;
    authentication {
    encrypted-password "yadda...yadda...yadda"; ## SECRET-DATA
    } } } }


    login as: joe
    Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
    --- JUNOS 12.1X46-D40.2 built 2015-09-26 02:25:28 UTC
    $ ps -p $$
    19658  p2  Ss     0:00.09 -sh (sh)
    $ cli
    joe@somewhere> show cli authorization
    Current user: 'joe         ' class 'shell-user'
        shell       -- Can start a local shell
    Individual command authorization:
        Allow regular expression: show cli authorization
        Deny regular expression: none
        Allow configuration regular expression: none
        Deny configuration regular expression: none
    joe@somewhere> exit
    $ exit

    As for commands that can be executed from within the shell, the list is long it's FreeBSD based after all;  although about the only reason I ever use the shell personally is to manually create op/commit/event scripts in the /var/db/scripts/.../ location using vi.  I'm sure that others have their reasons for accessing the shell too.


    But even then that's normally if I'm troubleshooting a script, and need to make some changes on the fly, and to be honest about the only time I ever login as root as to manually setup a new device, and even then that is automated wherever possible/pratical and root/shell access is still kept to an absolute bare minimum.



