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Ask questions and share experiences with SD-WAN and Session Smart Router (formerly 128T).
  • 1.  Reverse Flow Enforcement Behavior/Feature Clarification

    Posted 11-26-2018 19:52
    Several field engineers at 128T reported an issue with the router not servicing flows originating towards an interface that doesn't have a gateway defined.  Instead of using an available route in the RIB to get back to the source, the router is just rejecting the flow.  A straightforward solution to this seems to just configure the Reverse Flow Enforcement setting at the router level to "strict", instead of the default value of "none".  Indeed the strict setting does appear to resolve the issue described above.  However, there also seems to be the potential for negatively impacting other flows.

    Can someone please explain the purpose of the Reverse Flow Enforcement setting/options and the possible impacts one might expect from the two possible settings, i.e. strict and none?

    Gene Shtirmer
    Sales Engineer
    Randolph NJ

  • 2.  RE: Reverse Flow Enforcement Behavior/Feature Clarification

    Posted 11-27-2018 13:27
    This looks like a cross-post from another thread.

    Let's continue the discussion over here!
