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  • 1.  Request System Reboot At Juniper JUNOS Explained.

    Posted 06-28-2011 19:30

    Hello. I just would like to take a moment to clear something up, which has been bugging me for a while now.


    I don't believe that the bulletins which Juniper has provided regarding the command


    request system reboot at are correct.


    What I would like to do is provide 3 examples to make this functional and useful for anyone working on devices.


    Scenario 1:

    I would like to reboot the router at 00:00 tomorrow, and today is June 28th, 2011, command to run:



    request system reboot at yymmdd


    request system reboot at 110629


    Scenario 2:

    I would like to reboot the router tomorrow at 04:00 (4 am), and today is June 28th, 2011, command to run:



    request system reboot at yymmddhhmm


    request system reboot at 1106290400


    Scenario 3:

    I would like to reboot the router tomorrow at 17:00 (5 pm), and today is June 28th, 2011, command to run



    request system reboot at yymmddhhmm


    request system reboot at 1106291700


    Thanks, and I hope this clarifies for those who have been looking for this information.


  • 2.  RE: Request System Reboot At Juniper JUNOS Explained.

    Posted 06-29-2011 00:41


    You almost got it right except one needs to specify year in 4-digit format. Year in 2-digit format does not pass sanity check

    --- JUNOS 10.4R4.5 built 2011-05-06 05:02:48 UTC
    user@host> request system reboot at 110701 
    Reboot the system at 110701? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    error: that time is already past.
    user@host> request system reboot at 20110701 
    Reboot the system at 20110701? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    Shutdown at Fri Jul  1 00:00:00 2011.
    [pid 27722]
    user@host> show system reboot 
    reboot requested by remote at Fri Jul  1 00:00:00 2011
    [process id 27722]
    user@host> clear system reboot 
    reboot requested by remote at Fri Jul  1 00:00:00 2011
    [process id 27722]
    user@host> request system reboot at 201107011700 
    Reboot the system at 201107011700? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    Shutdown at Fri Jul  1 17:00:00 2011.
    [pid 27734]
    user@host> show system reboot 
    reboot requested by remote at Fri Jul  1 17:00:00 2011
    [process id 27734]
    user@host> clear system reboot 
    reboot requested by remote at Fri Jul  1 17:00:00 2011
    [process id 27734]




  • 3.  RE: Request System Reboot At Juniper JUNOS Explained.

    Posted 06-29-2011 04:29

    Here is what I just tried out:


    user@root> show system uptime
    Current time: 2011-06-29 07:18:03 UTC
    System booted: 2011-06-29 07:09:37 UTC (00:08:26 ago)
    Protocols started: 2011-06-29 07:13:46 UTC (00:04:17 ago)
    Last configured: 2011-05-06 07:05:19 UTC (7w5d 00:12 ago) by root
     7:18AM  up 8 mins, 1 user, load averages: 0.09, 0.34, 0.22

    user@root> request system reboot at 1106290800
    Reboot the system at 1106290800? [yes,no] (no) yes

    Shutdown at Wed Jun 29 08:00:00 2011.

    user@root> clear system reboot
    reboot requested by user at Sun Jun  5 00:00:00 2011
    [process id 976]

    user@root> request system reboot at 201106290800
    Reboot the system at 201106290800? [yes,no] (no) yes

    *** System shutdown message from user@root ***
    System going down at 08:00

    Shutdown at Wed Jun 29 08:00:00 2011.
    [pid 989]

    user@root> clear system reboot
    reboot requested by user at Wed Jun 29 08:00:00 2011
    [process id 989]

    user@root> request system reboot at 110701
    Reboot the system at 110701? [yes,no] (no) yes

    error: that time is already past.

    user@root> request system reboot at 110107
    Reboot the system at 110107? [yes,no] (no) yes

    error: that time is already past.

    user@root> request system reboot at 110701
    Reboot the system at 110701? [yes,no] (no) yes

    error: that time is already past.



    I believe it might have problems with leading 0's when entering this date format.


    Can you try it out on your machine? I'm running JUNOS 11.1R2.3

  • 4.  RE: Request System Reboot At Juniper JUNOS Explained.

    Posted 06-30-2011 00:40

    Of course.

    If one tries 2-digit year _with_ hours and minutes specified, then all is fine:


    user@host> request system reboot at 1107011200 
    Reboot the system at 1107011200? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    Shutdown at Fri Jul  1 12:00:00 2011.
    [pid 8435]
    user@host> clear system reboot 
    reboot requested by remote at Fri Jul  1 12:00:00 2011
    [process id 8435]
    user@host> request system reboot at 1107010000    
    Reboot the system at 1107010000? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    Shutdown at Fri Jul  1 00:00:00 2011.
    [pid 8453]

     But if one tries 2-digit year _without_ hours/minutes hoping to schedule reboot at midnight, then sanity check prevents that:


    user@host> request system reboot at 110701        
    Reboot the system at 110701? [yes,no] (no) yes 
    error: that time is already past.
    user@host> show system reboot 
    No shutdown/reboot scheduled.


