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Ask questions and share experiences with SD-WAN and Session Smart Router (formerly 128T).
  • 1.  Re-homing a router to a new conductor with release 3.2.4-2 - do I need to follow an updated procedure?

    Posted 07-18-2018 00:00
    Question on re-homing router nodes to a new conductor. We have a write-up on Interchange, but it seems outdated.

    Can engineering please provide feedback on rehoming with Conductor on release 3.2.4-2?  Here is what I'm thinking:
    1. Export running config from current conductor, then import and commit it on the new conductor.
    2. Drop into Linux shell and run 'install128t' script on each node being re-homed. Supply the new conductor's IP address(es), when inside the utility.
    3. Restart salt-minion. The rest should be done automatically. Please comment. Are there any caveats if some of my router nodes are still running 3.2.3 during the re-homing process?

    #3.2.4 #rehome​​

  • 2.  RE: Re-homing a router to a new conductor with release 3.2.4-2 - do I need to follow an updated procedure?
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-18-2018 00:00

    Hello Gene,

    Yes, the previous how-to guide was based on 3.1 and there have been improvements made into the product since then to make this process much easier. The steps you outlined will get the process done, but I would recommend just a re-initialize instead of re-install in step 2 to minimize downtime and preserve local router info (config, analytics, etc.). Here's the updated steps to re-home a router to a new Conductor:

    1) Get new Condcutor online with existing config. Typically I use the same method you discussed:

    -Export config in GUI in old Conductor

    -Copy backup config to new Conductor

    -Import config in GUI in new Conductor


    2) On the router to rehome:

    -Stop 128T

    sudo systemctl stop 128T


    -Run the re-initializer and this is where you point to the new Conductor address

    sudo initialize128t

    3) Once the re-initializer is complete, just restart the salt-minion and our Automated Provisioner should kick in and finish everything up in a matter of minutes:

    sudo systemctl restart salt-minion

    Also of note, we will work to get the previous how-to guide updated to reflect more current best practices in the near term as well.

  • 3.  RE: Re-homing a router to a new conductor with release 3.2.4-2 - do I need to follow an updated procedure?

    Posted 07-18-2018 00:00

    Thanks, Adam. Good catch there in my proposed step 2. Actually meant to say initialize128t, but typed install128t instead. Also, thanks for the more detailed commands to get the steps implemented!

  • 4.  RE: Re-homing a router to a new conductor with release 3.2.4-2 - do I need to follow an updated procedure?

    Posted 07-18-2018 00:00

    Update: I used this three step process last night and this morning on three different routers, and it worked without an issue. Thanks again!