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QXF-5120YM on MIST connecting trunk link to Cisco Catalyst 3850

  • 1.  QXF-5120YM on MIST connecting trunk link to Cisco Catalyst 3850

    Posted 01-07-2024 13:16

    I'm in the process of migrating from Cisco core switches to Juniper (MIST). I'm trying to configure a trunk link between the two. At present I'm only putting one VLAN on the trunk. Just the management VLAN which connects the Juniper core switches to MIST.

    However when I connect the two core switches, I will lose connection to MIST.

    It is just a L2 link, nothing complicated. I'm scratching my head to figure out what is going on.

    VTP server is configured on the Cisco, could this be the problem?

    Thank you.
