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  • 1.  Question on REST support for EX, QFX

    Posted 03-29-2024 06:06




    I have an EX4300 where I've configured the REST API server to listen on port 3000, but it doesn't seem to be doing so.




    lab@ex1> show configuration system services rest 

    http {

        port 3000;




    lab@ex1> show system connections | grep 3000 






    I saw the same on a virtual QFX.


    Do the EX and QFX devices support REST automation?






    Juniper Business Use Only

  • 2.  RE: Question on REST support for EX, QFX
    Best Answer

    Posted 04-02-2024 06:56

    Yes, the EX and QFX both support REST. Here is a Feature Explorer page for REST

    For the EX4300, you would need Junos OS 20.2R1. The QFXs are listed as well. I have used REST on both the EX and QFX and haven't had any issues with it, but that doesn't help you with the current situation. 

    I would try: 
    - https instead of http (because, why not?)
    - keeping it super simple, if you are not already. Meaning, no VC or things like sending REST through a port that isn't the management port, and checking if it works.
    - restart/reboot if not in production (again, because why not?)

    jessica@ex3400-24p> show configuration system services rest 
    http {
        port 3000;

    jessica@ex3400-24p> show system connections | grep 3000        
    tcp6       0      0  *.3000                                        *.*                                           LISTEN
    tcp4       0      0  *.3000                                        *.*                                           LISTEN

    % curl http://X.X.X.X:3000/rpc/get-system-information -u "jessica:Password"
    <system-information format="xml">

    I get the expected results from CLI and cURL. Before you try to fix this, would like to see what the error message is when you try cURL from the shell. 

    Jessica Garrison

  • 3.  RE: Question on REST support for EX, QFX

    Posted 07-02-2024 03:29

    Thanks Jessica.