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  • 1.  Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 01-23-2024 16:39


    After executing the 'request system power-off' command, do I still have console access? If not, how do I power the device back on, considering the physical power switch would still be set to 'ON'?



  • 2.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 01-24-2024 03:03

    Hi Deepak,

    This will depend on the device, Most SRXs will completely power off requiring physical (or a switching PDU to bring it back online. Most EX switches can be resumed by hitting any key on the console and the device will begin the boot sequence. 

    Let us know what model/device you have and we can provide a specific answer.


    Gavin White


  • 3.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 04-17-2024 18:57

    Hello Gavin,

    Related to this query, we need to shutdown a MX10003 router and shift it to another DC. I was wondering what is the difference between 'request system power-off' and 'request vmhost power-off' here and which one should I use.

    I guess to power-on the router again, i'll just need to connect the power to source only.


  • 4.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 01-24-2024 05:26

    I guess this may vary by model and firmware, out of interest I just tested on a EX2300-C-12P running 21.4R3-S5 and yes at the end of the power-off command you still have console access as it just halts the OS and then says "Please press any key to reboot", and as soon as I hit enter via the console the switch started booting up again. 

    Would suggest testing it on the particular Juniper device and firmware you're using before attempting to rely on this remotely via console. 

    root@TEST-EX2300-C> request system power-off
    warning: This command will halt all the members.
    If planning to halt only one member use the member option
    Power Off the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes
    *** System shutdown message from root@TEST-EX2300-C ***
    System going down in 1 minute
    Shutdown at Wed Jan 24 16:59:38 2024.
    [pid 27468]
    *** System shutdown message from root@TEST-EX2300-C ***
    System going down in 30 seconds
                    Stopping cron.
    Jan 24 06:59:40 jlaunchd 17407 - - snmp (PID 17779) terminate signal 15 sent
    Jan 24 06:59:40 jlaunchd 17407 - - mib-process (PID 17780) terminate signal 15 sent
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `vnlru' to stop... done
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process `syncer' to stop...
    Syncing disks, vnodes remaining... 0 0 0 0 0 done
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system thread `bufdaemon' to stop... done
    Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system thread `bufspacedaemon-0' to stop... done
    All buffers synced.
    Uptime: 3d0h16m1s
    Khelp module "jsocket" can't unload until its refcount drops from 4 to 0.
    The operating system has halted.
    Please press any key to reboot.

  • 5.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 04-17-2024 18:38


    Relating to same topic, we need to relocate a MX10003 router from one DC to another DC, and are required to power-off the router gracefully to be shifted. I checked Juniper documentation and little confused, should I use 'request system power-off' or 'request vmhost power-off'?

    To to power back the router ON, would simply need to connect to the power input and turn on the CB or need to run the 'request vmhost power-on' command?




  • 6.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 04-17-2024 23:01

    Hi Aqeel,

    For VM Hosted devices, the request system power-off command is replaced with the request vmhost power-off command which provides similar functionality.

    Juniper states: "For the devices with Routing Engines RE-S-2x00x6, RE-PTX-2x00x8, and RE-S-2x00x8, this command is deprecated and might be removed completely in a future release."

    Note though, running this command will only shut down the RE you are connected to and the device will hand over the control function to the other RE.  You must include the both-routing-engines option using either of the commands above.  

    When you request to power off both Routing Engines, all the FPCs in the chassis shut down after approximately 10 minutes and the chassis fans run at full speed. You will need to wait for this to ensure a graceful shutdown. 

    Powering the router back on, should only require restoring the power input.


  • 7.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 04-18-2024 11:58

    Interesting Gavin, about your mention of the 10 minute wait period for FPC shutdown… is this statement true of MX960?  I'm asking because I usually shutdown the BURE and then the master RE… then a few seconds later power off the power supplies by flipping the toggle switches off.  Is it better to wait this 10 minutes to watch all the FPC's (linecards) poweroff?  …or does it really matter?

    "When you request to power off both Routing Engines, all the FPCs in the chassis shut down after approximately 10 minutes and the chassis fans run at full speed. You will need to wait for this to ensure a graceful shutdown."

    - Aaron

  • 8.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 04-18-2024 14:57

    Hi Aaron, 

    Great Question... The impact/risk of not waiting is not mentioned in the Juniper documentation. Nor is there any option to shut down the FPCs, from the power-off command. You would have to execute the request chassis fpc offlinecommand first. The FPCs shut down because they no longer have communication with the Routing Engines and an Inter-Integrated Circuit (l2C) timeout occurred.

    This command and procedure is valid for all PTX and MX routers.


  • 9.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 04-18-2024 15:24
    Edited by aaron.gould 04-18-2024 15:24
    Thanks Gavin, I also have never read that in any docs.  All I'm aware of is the vmhost power-off commands to gracefully bring down an MX.  Are you aware otherwise?  I mean do you have an understanding that the Juniper-recommended procedure for correctly shutting down a MX960 (240/480) modular system with FPC's is something like this....  fpc's first, then re's... ?
    1 - request chassis fpc offline slot 0
    2 - request chassis fpc offline slot 1
    3 - request chassis fpc offline slot 2
    4 - request vmhost power-off other-routing-engine --- executed on master re
    5 - request vmhost power-off --- executed on master re
    btw, i don't see a power-off both routing engines option.... but i do see a reboot both re's option...
    request vmhost reboot routing-engine both 
    agould@lab-960> request vmhost power-off ?
    Possible completions:
      <[Enter]>            Execute this command
      other-routing-engine  Power off other Routing Engine
      |                    Pipe through a command

    - Aaron

  • 10.  RE: Question on 'request system power-off'

    Posted 04-19-2024 23:27

    Hi Aaron,

    I can't speak for Juniper's recommendation in this regard as there documentation does not talk about shutting down the FPCs first. I personally would recommend it, only to save you the time of waiting for the I2C timeout as mentioned earlier.

    Juniper has the following article pertaining to the discussions in this thread. The both-routing-engine option is mentioned for MX-Series, but this may be impacted by the version of code you are currently running. I have also included an additional MX960 shutdown procedure for your review (NOTE: the commands are different again) :)


