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  • 1.  Question on event policies

    Posted 11-05-2023 02:53


    How do I use an event policy to dampen the logging of an event to syslog, 

    For example, if I have event EVENT1 occuring every second, and I want it to be logged to syslog only every 60 seconds, how do I write an event policy to make that happen?

    I saw certain Juniper documentation provide the following:

    event-options {

      policy dampen-policy {

        events EVENT1;

        within 60 events EVENT1;

        then {




    However, I think this would result in EVENT1 never being logged to syslog, since there would never be a 60 second window without EVENT1 occurring (given that it occurs every second).



  • 2.  RE: Question on event policies

    Posted 11-05-2023 14:01

    You can update the syslog configuration itself to consolidate logging of the same message directly using the suppression option.  This writes a single message for the log in the selected time period.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: Question on event policies

    Posted 12-13-2023 01:28

    Thanks Steve!