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question in L2VPN

  • 1.  question in L2VPN

    Posted 05-23-2011 14:33


    hi experts

    Can some one please explain to me in L2VPN

    1-      how the L2VPN auto provision for the sites is work   in draft-kompella

    2-      and what is the  “default site associations rule “  for the sites mapping ( without remote-site-id knob )



    Thanks in advance Smiley Happy

  • 2.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 05-24-2011 01:40

        When you don't provide remote-site-id under L2VPN configs, the default behavior is to assign the remote-site-id as 1 and then increment by 1 accordingly based on the number of interfaces.

    Let's say you network is as below and the requirement is to interconnect CE1, CE2 and CE3 (belonging to same VPN) in such a way that
    IF1 connects to IF3
    IF2 connects to IF4
                                                                  IF3 +-----+
                                                                  /---| CE2 |
                                                                 /    +-----+
            +-----+   IF1    +-----+         (  )        +-----+/
            |     |----------|     |        (    )       |     |
            | CE1 |          | PE1 |-------( MPLS )------| PE2 |
            |     |----------|     |        (    )       |     |
            +-----+   IF2    +-----+         (  )        +-----+\
                                                                 \    +-----+
                                                                  \---| CE3 |
                                                                 IF4  +-----+

    In this case, on PE1 you assign a site-identifier as 1 for CE1 and include both the interface (in ascending order***) On PE2, you assign CE2 with site-identifer as 2 and CE3 with site-identifer as 3.

    routing-instances {
        VPNA {
            instance-type l2vpn;
            interface et-3/1/0.0;
            interface et-3/1/1.0;
            route-distinguisher 100:1;
            vrf-target target:100:100;
            protocols {
                l2vpn {
                    encapsulation-type ethernet;
                    site CE1 {
                        site-identifier 1;
                        interface et-3/1/1.0;   <<< IF1
                        interface et-3/1/0.0;   <<< IF2

    routing-instances {
        VPNA {
            instance-type l2vpn;
            interface xe-2/0/2.0;
            interface xe-2/0/3.0;
            route-distinguisher 100:3;
            vrf-target target:100:100;
            protocols {
                l2vpn {
                    encapsulation-type ethernet;
                    site CE2 {
                        site-identifier 2;
                        interface xe-2/0/3.0;      <<< IF3
                    site CE3 {
                        site-identifier 3;
                        interface xe-2/0/2.0;      <<< IF4

    As you see in both PEs I have not configured remote-site-id. This is how it works.
    When VPN signalling starts, PE1 takes the first interface (et-3/1/1) configured under the site CE1 stanza and starts with default remote-site-id which is 1.
    Now since site-id 1 is local-site-identifer, it skips this value and increments by 1. This makes the expected remote-site-id as 2.
    This matches with the CE2 site-id (IF3) and thus the l2vpn connection will come up. Now IF1 is connected to IF3

    As PE1 moves to the next interface(et-3/1/0) under CE1, it is aware that site-id 1 and 2 are utilised for this VPN instance. It then picks up the next
    available id which is 3, as the expected remote-site-id. Since this matches with CE3 site-id (IF4), the L2VPN would come up for this interface and connects IF3 and IF4

  • 3.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 05-24-2011 01:41

    Just providing the show lvpn connection details for reference


    suryak@PE1# run show l2vpn connections
    Layer-2 VPN connections:

    Legend for connection status (St)
    EI -- encapsulation invalid      NC -- interface encapsulation not CCC/TCC/VPLS
    EM -- encapsulation mismatch     WE -- interface and instance encaps not same
    VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit down    NP -- interface hardware not present
    CM -- control-word mismatch      -> -- only outbound connection is up
    CN -- circuit not provisioned    <- -- only inbound connection is up
    OR -- out of range               Up -- operational
    OL -- no outgoing label          Dn -- down
    LD -- local site signaled down   CF -- call admission control failure
    RD -- remote site signaled down  SC -- local and remote site ID collision
    LN -- local site not designated  LM -- local site ID not minimum designated
    RN -- remote site not designated RM -- remote site ID not minimum designated
    XX -- unknown connection status  IL -- no incoming label
    MM -- MTU mismatch               MI -- Mesh-Group ID not available
    BK -- Backup connection          ST -- Standby connection
    PF -- Profile parse failure      PB -- Profile busy
    RS -- remote site standby        SN -- Static Neighbor

    Legend for interface status
    Up -- operational
    Dn -- down

    Instance: VPNA
      Local site: CE1 (1)
        connection-site           Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        2                         rmt   Up     May 24 00:07:25 2011           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 800007, Outgoing label: 800004
          Local interface: et-3/1/1.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET
        3                         rmt   Up     May 24 00:17:41 2011           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 800008, Outgoing label: 800008
          Local interface: et-3/1/0.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET

    suryak@PE2# run show l2vpn connections
    Layer-2 VPN connections:

    Legend for connection status (St)  
    EI -- encapsulation invalid      NC -- interface encapsulation not CCC/TCC/VPLS
    EM -- encapsulation mismatch     WE -- interface and instance encaps not same
    VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit down    NP -- interface hardware not present
    CM -- control-word mismatch      -> -- only outbound connection is up
    CN -- circuit not provisioned    <- -- only inbound connection is up
    OR -- out of range               Up -- operational
    OL -- no outgoing label          Dn -- down                     
    LD -- local site signaled down   CF -- call admission control failure     
    RD -- remote site signaled down  SC -- local and remote site ID collision
    LN -- local site not designated  LM -- local site ID not minimum designated
    RN -- remote site not designated RM -- remote site ID not minimum designated
    XX -- unknown connection status  IL -- no incoming label
    MM -- MTU mismatch               MI -- Mesh-Group ID not availble
    BK -- Backup connection          ST -- Standby connection
    PF -- Profile parse failure      PB -- Profile busy
    RS -- remote site standby        SN -- Static Neighbor

    Legend for interface status
    Up -- operational          
    Dn -- down

    Instance: VPNA
      Local site: CE2 (2)
        connection-site           Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        CE3 (3)                   loc   OR  
        1                         rmt   Up     May 24 00:07:26 2011           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 800004, Outgoing label: 800007
          Local interface: xe-2/0/3.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET
      Local site: CE3 (3)
        connection-site           Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        CE2 (2)                   loc   OR  
        1                         rmt   Up     May 24 00:17:40 2011           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 800008, Outgoing label: 800008
          Local interface: xe-2/0/2.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET

  • 4.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 05-24-2011 12:35

    Thank you surya

    just more questions , how is the VPN out going labe is calculated from both of the PE , and base on what the site lable rage is calculated

  • 5.  RE: question in L2VPN
    Best Answer

    Posted 05-24-2011 21:00


        The label is calculated based on the below formula:

    L2VPN label = Label-Base(remote) + Site-Id(Local) – Label-Offset(remote)

    With above topology as reference, let's look at the L2VPN NLRI advertised by PE2 to PE1:

    suryak@PE1# run show route receive-protocol bgp detail table VPNA.l2vpn.0

    VPNA.l2vpn.0: 4 destinations, 4 routes (4 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    *  100:3:2:1/96 (1 entry, 1 announced)
         Import Accepted
         Route Distinguisher: 100:3
         Label-base: 800000, range: 2, status-vector: 0x0
         Localpref: 100
         AS path: I
         Communities: target:100:100 Layer2-info: encaps:ETHERNET, control flags:Control-Word, mtu: 0, site preference: 100

    *  100:3:3:1/96 (1 entry, 1 announced)
         Import Accepted
         Route Distinguisher: 100:3
         Label-base: 800002, range: 2, status-vector: 0x0
         Localpref: 100
         AS path: I
         Communities: target:100:100 Layer2-info: encaps:ETHERNET, control flags:Control-Word, mtu: 0, site preference: 100

    100:3:2:1/96 translates to RD:Remote-Site-ID:Remote-Label-Offset

    So for Remote-Site 2 PE2 has advertised the Label-Base=800000, RD=100:3 and  Label-Offset=1
    Similarly for Remote-Site 3 the Label-Base=800002, RD=100:3 and Label-Offset=1

    On PE1, IF1(1)-IF3(2) L2VPN connection would have VPN label = 800000 + 1 - 1 = 800000
            IF2(1)-IF4(3) L2VPN connection would have VPN LAbel = 800002 + 1 - 1 = 800002

    Below is L2VPN NLRI advertised by PE1 to PE2:

    suryak@PE2# run show route receive-protocol bgp table VPNA detail

    VPNA.l2vpn.0: 4 destinations, 4 routes (4 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    * 100:1:1:1/96 (1 entry, 1 announced)
         Import Accepted
         Route Distinguisher: 100:1
         Label-base: 800000, range: 2, status-vector: 0x0
         Localpref: 100
         AS path: I
         Communities: target:100:100 Layer2-info: encaps:ETHERNET, control flags:Control-Word, mtu: 0, site preference: 100

    * 100:1:1:3/96 (1 entry, 1 announced)
         Import Accepted
         Route Distinguisher: 100:1
         Label-base: 800002, range: 2, status-vector: 0x0
         Localpref: 100
         AS path: I
         Communities: target:100:100 Layer2-info: encaps:ETHERNET, control flags:Control-Word, mtu: 0, site preference: 100

    On PE2, IF1(1)-IF3(2) L2VPN connection would have VPN label = 800000 + 2 - 1 = 800001
            IF2(1)-IF4(3) L2VPN connection would have VPN LAbel = 800002 + 3 - 3 = 800002

    suryak@PE1# run show l2vpn connections
    Layer-2 VPN connections:

    Legend for connection status (St)
    EI -- encapsulation invalid      NC -- interface encapsulation not CCC/TCC/VPLS
    EM -- encapsulation mismatch     WE -- interface and instance encaps not same
    VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit down    NP -- interface hardware not present
    CM -- control-word mismatch      -> -- only outbound connection is up
    CN -- circuit not provisioned    <- -- only inbound connection is up
    OR -- out of range               Up -- operational
    OL -- no outgoing label          Dn -- down
    LD -- local site signaled down   CF -- call admission control failure
    RD -- remote site signaled down  SC -- local and remote site ID collision
    LN -- local site not designated  LM -- local site ID not minimum designated
    RN -- remote site not designated RM -- remote site ID not minimum designated
    XX -- unknown connection status  IL -- no incoming label
    MM -- MTU mismatch               MI -- Mesh-Group ID not available
    BK -- Backup connection          ST -- Standby connection
    PF -- Profile parse failure      PB -- Profile busy
    RS -- remote site standby        SN -- Static Neighbor

    Legend for interface status
    Up -- operational
    Dn -- down

    Instance: VPNA
      Local site: CE1 (1)
        connection-site           Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        2                         rmt   Up     May 24 20:34:21 2011           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 800001, Outgoing label: 800000
          Local interface: et-3/1/1.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET
        3                         rmt   Up     May 24 20:34:19 2011           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 800002, Outgoing label: 800002
          Local interface: et-3/1/0.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETH


    suryak@PE2# run show l2vpn connections
    Layer-2 VPN connections:

    Legend for connection status (St)  
    EI -- encapsulation invalid      NC -- interface encapsulation not CCC/TCC/VPLS
    EM -- encapsulation mismatch     WE -- interface and instance encaps not same
    VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit down    NP -- interface hardware not present
    CM -- control-word mismatch      -> -- only outbound connection is up
    CN -- circuit not provisioned    <- -- only inbound connection is up
    OR -- out of range               Up -- operational
    OL -- no outgoing label          Dn -- down                     
    LD -- local site signaled down   CF -- call admission control failure     
    RD -- remote site signaled down  SC -- local and remote site ID collision
    LN -- local site not designated  LM -- local site ID not minimum designated
    RN -- remote site not designated RM -- remote site ID not minimum designated
    XX -- unknown connection status  IL -- no incoming label
    MM -- MTU mismatch               MI -- Mesh-Group ID not availble
    BK -- Backup connection          ST -- Standby connection
    PF -- Profile parse failure      PB -- Profile busy
    RS -- remote site standby        SN -- Static Neighbor

    Legend for interface status
    Up -- operational          
    Dn -- down

    Instance: VPNA
      Local site: CE2 (2)
        connection-site           Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        CE3 (3)                   loc   OR  
        1                         rmt   Up     May 24 20:34:22 2011           2
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 800000, Outgoing label: 800001
          Local interface: xe-2/0/3.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET
      Local site: CE3 (3)
        connection-site           Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        CE2 (2)                   loc   OR  
        1                         rmt   Up     May 24 20:34:19 2011           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 800002, Outgoing label: 800002
          Local interface: xe-2/0/2.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET

    Hope this helps Smiley Happy

    Surya Prakash

    Please aceept this Solution, if I have answered your query
    If you like this, Kudos would be appreciated.

  • 6.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 12-26-2011 06:02


       my question is that where can find the "label-offset-remote"?Smiley Happy

  • 7.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 12-26-2011 09:12



    You would find the answer in the above post. I am pasting the snippet here fyi... (look out for the last line)





    Surya Prakash

  • 8.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 07-02-2014 11:14

    I would like to make a correction to this post


    The correct formula to calculate the inner MPLS label that will be used from a PE wanting to send L2 VPN information to a remote PE is:


    L2VPN label = Site ID (local) - Label offset (remote) + Label base (remote)




    PEs R2 and R3 are connected over an MPLS network and their CEs (sites 2 and 3) want to communicate over a L2 VPN.




     R2 --- MPLS network --- R3

     |                        |

    CE-X (SITE 2)            CE-Y (SITE 3)

    site ID 2                Site ID 3


    As you can see I have assigned a site ID of 2 for SITE 2 and a site ID of 3 for SITE 3.


    >>> Lets calculate the label that R2 will push in order for Layer 2 VPN information from SITE 2 to reach SITE 3:


    root@R2> show l2vpn connections extensive | match "Label-base|800"
        Label-base        Offset     Size  Range     Preference
        800004            3          2      1         100
          Incoming label: 800004, Outgoing label: 800001


    root@R3> show l2vpn connections extensive | match "Label-base|800"
        Label-base        Offset     Size  Range     Preference
        800000            1          2      2         100
          Incoming label: 800001, Outgoing label: 800004


    L2VPN label = Site ID (local) - Label offset (remote) + Label base (remote) = 2 (local site ID) - 1 (remote label offset) + 800000 (remote label base) = 800001


    >>> Similarly for R3, in order for SITE 3 to reach SITE 2:


    root@R2> show l2vpn connections extensive | match "Label-base|800"
        Label-base        Offset     Size  Range     Preference
        800004            3          2      1         100
          Incoming label: 800004, Outgoing label: 800001

    root@R3> show l2vpn connections extensive | match "Label-base|800"
        Label-base        Offset     Size  Range     Preference
        800000            1          2      2         100
          Incoming label: 800001, Outgoing label: 800004


    L2VPN label = Site ID (local) - Label offset (remote) + Label base (remote) = 3 (local site ID) - 3 (remote label offset)800004 (label base remote) = 800004


    >>> Further verifications:


    root@R2> show route table mpls.0
    800004          *[L2VPN/7] 01:33:04  <- incoming label
                     > via ge-0/0/2.0, Pop       Offset: 4
    ge-0/0/2.0      *[L2VPN/7] 01:33:04, metric2 1
                     > to via ge-0/0/0.0, Push 800001, Push 299792(top) Offset: 252


                                                      outgoing label




    My configuration:


    root@R2# show routing-instances
    vpn2 {
        instance-type l2vpn;
        interface ge-0/0/2.0;
        route-distinguisher 2:2;
        vrf-target target:2:3;
        protocols {
            l2vpn {
                encapsulation-type ethernet;
                site CE-R5 {
                    site-identifier 2;
                    interface ge-0/0/2.0 {
                        remote-site-id 3;

    root@R3# show routing-instances
    vpn3 {
        instance-type l2vpn;
        interface ge-0/0/2.0;
        route-distinguisher 3:3;
        vrf-target target:2:3;
        protocols {
            l2vpn {
                encapsulation-type ethernet;
                site CE-R4 {
                    site-identifier 3;
                    interface ge-0/0/2.0 {
                        remote-site-id 2;


    root@R2# show interfaces ge-0/0/2
    encapsulation ethernet-ccc;
    unit 0;




    By the way, can we set the label offset or label base values manually in a layer 2 vpn?


    Kind Regards,

    George Servetas

  • 9.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 07-05-2014 04:40

    No Junos does not support manul configuration of label offset and label base values for BGP l2vpn and vpls




  • 10.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 08-20-2014 07:31

    Hi George,


    It took me few minutes of head-scratching to realise that your method is exactly the same as Surya's. The difference is that you're looking at the output of the "show l2vpn conn extensive" on the remote PE and look for label-base field there to calculate the outgoing label on the local PE, while Surya relied on the "show route receive-protocol bgp .." command on the local PE to do the same.


    So there is no difference in formula here; Surya's method gets all info required for label calculation from one router rather than two in this example.


    Thanks both Surya and George for your efforts.





  • 11.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 08-20-2014 09:52

    Thanks Mina. Neither I do find the difference in formula Smiley Happy


     Surya = A + B - C

             L2VPN label = Label-Base(remote) + Site-Id(Local) – Label-Offset(remote)


    George = B - C + A

             L2VPN label = Site ID (local) - Label offset (remote) + Label base (remote)







  • 12.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 08-20-2015 08:08

    Would someone be kind enough to explain what's the role of 'offset' in Kompella VPN? I have a few questions about it:


          - what drives the selection of 'offset' on a PE. i.e. am I right in understanding that when the site-id on a PE is less than or equal to 8 label offset =1 when the site-id is between 9 and 16 label offset #2 and so forth?


        - why is it necessary to have this 'offset' number incorporated in label calculation formula? would the label mapping not work without offset and if so then why is that?


        - with or without the use of 'remote-site-id' is it possible to connect site 1 to site 9 (they are in two different label offsets in my understanding). I ask this since it does not satisfy the Kompella Draft stipulation LOm <= k < LOm + LRm (where m is site 1 and K is site 9 and LOm=1). what changes if 'remote-site-id' is used?


        - In what situations Label offset can be greater than remote site-ID and what is the implication?



    thank you very much.


  • 13.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 03-18-2017 10:07



    What is the encapsulation type in Kompella in dataplane? it uses its own or martini encapsulation?

  • 14.  RE: question in L2VPN

    Posted 07-27-2017 10:47

    I'm pretty sure that all l2vpn types use same forwarding/data plane encapsulation which is "Martini" RFC4448 encapsulation