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  • 1.  QFX5200 vlan and vxlan mixed setup

    Posted 04-08-2024 13:21
    Edited by spuluka 04-08-2024 19:56

    Who can tell why is not supported to have vlans and vxlans on a same port simultaneously on QFX5200:

    set vlans vlan200 vlan-id 200
    set vlans vlan200 vxlan vni 10200

    set vlans vlan401 vlan-id 401
    set vlans vlan450 vlan-id 450

    set interfaces et-0/0/11 flexible-vlan-tagging
    set interfaces et-0/0/11 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services
    set interfaces et-0/0/11 unit 0 family ethernet-switching interface-mode trunk
    set interfaces et-0/0/11 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members vlan200
    set interfaces et-0/0/11 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members vlan401
    set interfaces et-0/0/11 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members vlan450

    # commit confirmed 5 
    error: In routing-instance default-switch interface et-0/0/11.0 has vlan and vxlan mixed which is not supported
    error: configuration check-out failed

    The documentation says:

    (QFX5100, QFX5110, QFX5120, QFX5200, QFX5210, EX4300-48MP, and EX4600 switches) A physical interface cannot be a member of a VLAN and a VXLAN. That is, an interface that performs VXLAN encapsulation and de-encapsulation cannot also be a member of a VLAN. For example, if a VLAN that is mapped to a VXLAN is a member of trunk port xe-0/0/0, any other VLAN that is a member of xe-0/0/0 must also be assigned to a VXLAN.


    Starting in Junos OS Releases 18.1R3 and 18.4R1 for QFX5100, QFX5110, QFX5200, and QFX5210 switches and Junos OS Release 19.4R1 for QFX5120 and EX4650 switches, this limitation no longer applies because you can configure flexible Ethernet services on the physical interface. (The same is true for aggregated Ethernet (AE) bundle interfaces.)

    Model: qfx5200-32c-32q
    Junos: 23.2R1.13



  • 2.  RE: QFX5200 vlan and vxlan mixed setup

    Posted 04-09-2024 04:13

    Hi dts,

    Instead of configuring the following Layer 2 features only on logical interface unit number 0, 

    you can now configure them on any logical interface unit number (unit 0 and any non-zero unit number):

    • Layer 2 bridging (family ethernet-switching)

    • Layer 2 bridging (encapsulation vlan-bridge)

    • VXLANs

