Did some more investigations but it's still don't work.
I tried a simple pattern having the Q-in-Q stuff on dedicated vQFX switch and only transported the trafic over my fabric (pattern traffic 3 in the fore-mentioned guide)
The trafic is correctly handle over VXLAN but when it gets out of the egress vtep I am losing the inner vlan tag. Only S-Vlan remains.
I begin to suspect the "
decapsulate-accept-inner-vlan" to be required but not supported on vQFX.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-27-2022 03:52
From: Unknown User
Subject: Q-in-Q over VXLAN
I am experimenting about Q-in-Q tunneling over a VXLAN-EVPN Fabric Core and struggle getting it work.
I followed the guidelines here : Examples: Tunneling Q-in-Q Traffic in an EVPN-VXLAN Overlay Network
I try to achieve the following topology :