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  • 1.  Proper Shutdown Juniper Equipment on UPS

    Posted 07-06-2011 11:05

    Looking for an automated solution to perform a proper shutdown on juniper equipment if the UPS kicks in.

    Anything out there that can leverage APC Powerchute?

    Any advise?

  • 2.  RE: Proper Shutdown Juniper Equipment on UPS

    Posted 07-13-2011 15:33



    The command on Junos is "request system halt". This can be automated a few different ways. I generated a rsa key, so I didn't have to send the password from my ssh client then you can pass the commands directly. See below:


    ssh -i id-rsa -l juniper request system halt
    warning: This command will halt all the members.
    If planning to halt only one member use the member option
    Shutdown NOW!
    [pid 3287]
    message sent

     The "id-rsa" is the private key file which i generated via the ssh-keygen on the switch. Here is the process I used: 


    1. On the EX switch go to the shell:


    juniper@access2-2> start shell 
    % su
    root@access2-2:RE:0% ssh-keygen
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 
    Created directory '/root/.ssh'.
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
    Enter same passphrase again: 
    Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    The key fingerprint is:
    84:2c:8d:53:19:7e:3d:cb:c0:5c:58:ee:11:cf:1d:8d root@access2-2
    root@access2-2:RE:0% cd /root/.ssh/
    root@access2-2:RE:0% ls
    id_rsa		id_rsa.pub
    root@access2-2:RE:0% cat id_rsa.pub 
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIw....


    Once the private and public key chains are generated you will enter the pub (id_rsa.pub) keychain on the server side (switch):


    root@access2-2:RE:0% cli
    juniper@access2-2> edit 
    Entering configuration mode
    juniper@access2-2# set system login user juniper authentication ssh-rsa    
    juniper@access2-2# ...5utE3rWf0AC8TdpM"  


    on the ssh client side you create a file with the private key:


    > vi id-rsa
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    id-rsa: new file: 27 lines, 1675 characters.


    Then use chmod 600 to create the right permissions for the private keychain file. 


    once all this is done now you can pass commands from the client side via ssh commands: 


    > ssh -i id-rsa -l juniper request system halt
    warning: This command will halt all the members.
    If planning to halt only one member use the member option
    Shutdown NOW!
    [pid 3287]
    message sent




  • 3.  RE: Proper Shutdown Juniper Equipment on UPS

    Posted 07-25-2011 08:03

    Thanks for the response...lots of good info in there.


    We've had a few power outages that lasted long enough for the UPS batteries power to be exhausted and the switches go down hard (7 switches in a Virtual Chassis).  We have had 5 of these outages and after 4 of the 5 outages, junos failed to load on one of the physical switches (a different physical switch every time) and we had to re-image to get the switch back into the VC.


    That is why I'm interested in putting something in place to detect that the system in running on UPS power and then perform a proper shutdown on the switches prior to them having a hard crash.


    So if I had the client side set up with ssh that would give me the ability to pass the command, but how would I get the client to send the shutdown command  after 'X' minutes of being on UPS power?

  • 4.  RE: Proper Shutdown Juniper Equipment on UPS
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-25-2011 14:41

    The easiest and most basic way of detecting a power loss would be through snmp trap configuration. Every time a Power Supply fails or comes online an SNMP trap will be logged. Once you configure snmp and trap groups along with a trap receiver you can then monitor the time between power off and on. 


    (KB on Health monitor of CPU, but has config options for trap-groups)




    The more complicated way would be to have a system polling the device via ssh and grep certain key words to verify its status: 


    For the 4200 you would have to use:



    When the power fails you will see "failed" for the status. So when you use the ssh login mentioned before poll this command and grep for "failed":


    juniper@access2-2# run show chassis environment |match power    
    Power FPC 0 Power Supply 0           Failed    
          FPC 0 Power Supply 1           OK       


    If you gather this along with the system date then you can count down the time you have available for the UPS batteries:


    juniper@access2-2# run show system uptime 
    Current time: 2010-12-06 00:26:14 EST
    System booted: 2010-11-24 01:36:29 EST (1w4d 22:49 ago)
    Protocols started: 2010-11-24 01:37:52 EST (1w4d 22:48 ago)
    Last configured: 2010-12-05 21:30:42 EST (02:55:32 ago) by juniper
    12:26AM  up 11 days, 22:50, 1 user, load averages: 0.08, 0.05, 0.01



    One recommendation I would make, if you are not already running it would be to upgrade to the 10.4R5 release, which has had a "resilient file system" feature, for cases much like you are seeing with "corrupted junos software" from a improper shutdown.


    You can see the details of how to upgrade and the feature details in the 10.4R5 release notes:


    Select "Junos OS Release Notes for EX Switches" ---> The first section is "New Features" which talks about the "resilient dual-root  Partitions":




    I hope this helps, 






    If the information provided helps please check it as an "accepted solution" 

  • 5.  RE: Proper Shutdown Juniper Equipment on UPS

    Posted 07-26-2011 07:21

    I believe I'll take your suggestion to upgrade to the dual partitioning and see how that works.


    Again, thanks for the response.  Unfortunately our 7 unit VC was "value engineered" to only include a single power supply in lue of the more expensive dual power supply option 🙂 so the health monitor will not be of much help.

    I do appreciate the helpful post.

  • 6.  RE: Proper Shutdown Juniper Equipment on UPS

    Posted 06-20-2013 00:38

    MichAda, have you solved your problem with shutting down router with single power supply?