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  • 1.  Power Supply for an EX2200-12p

    Posted 05-18-2023 06:00

    Folks, I have a dead EX2200-C-12P-2G and want to replace the power supply. I really like these little fanless boxes, but as the power supply is integral to the switch I can't find anywhere to purchase the power supply.

    Anyone know where I can source one?


  • 2.  RE: Power Supply for an EX2200-12p

    Posted 05-19-2023 10:41

    Hi John,

    I don't think it is possible to buy just the power supply given that they are built into the device. If you have a support contract on it you should be able to get a replacement from juniper under the device warranty. Although given the end of support for the EX2200's next year probably worth replacing it with a EX2300-C.

    Many Thanks



  • 3.  RE: Power Supply for an EX2200-12p

    Posted 05-22-2023 10:35


    I honestly can't believe that. In this modern world we surely should be able to click on a link and buy one.  I am pretty handy with a soldering iron, albeit not really required to change the power supply - its all plugged in.
