For the ex4300 Junos 18 series is no longer public. So you will need to open a support ticket for access to the necessary files.
Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)
Original Message:
Sent: 04-05-2024 12:09
Subject: Patch to Upgrade to Junos 18.2R3-S5 | EX4300
Dear all,
We are currently planning a significant upgrade for the Junos software on our EX4300 switches. Our goal is to upgrade all our existing Junos versions to 18.2R3-S5.
Our current Junos versions are as follows:
Junos 14.1X53-37.4
Junos 14.1X53-40.8
Junos 14.1X53-D46.7
Junos 14.1X53-D47.3
Could you please provide us with detailed guidance on the upgrade path from each of our current versions to 18.2R3-S5?
Thank you.
Kind regards,