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  • 1.  OSPPF LSA

    Posted 05-22-2024 22:45


    I'm currently studdying for my JNCIP-SP certification.

    In the Juniper self training material I understood that the presence of the asterix " * " in the LSA when using "show ospf database  router|external|network|"and so on" extensive" command mean that the LSA has been originated from the router where this command command is run.

    As example in the follwing print screen according to the asterix pointed by the red arrow this LSA been orginated from R1, router on which the command "show ofps database router extensive" been run.

    From Juniper On demand course "Advanced Junos Service Provider routing : OSP" Link-State Advertisements : Part2 page: 3 of 12  

    It also what it said in the audio, that's fine.

    But later in the same coure, but in section Link-State Advertisements : Part 3, page 3 of 12

    This time the asterix is missing, but in the audio it's again said that LSA has been originated from R1....  :) is it a mistake in the course material or I missed understood something  ?

    Thank you 


  • 2.  RE: OSPPF LSA

    Posted 05-23-2024 04:00

    Hi Xine,

    This external route is not advertised by R1, hence there is no star next to this prefix in the OSPF database on R1. If you'd check OSPF database on R5, you would see a star.

    Can't comment on the audio material, because I do not have access to this course.


