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  • 1.  OSPF Adjacency Changes

    Posted 05-21-2024 11:15

    Cisco has this command:

    router ospf 1
      log-adjacency-changes detail

    Is there a Junos equivalent? I've added all these traps under additional CLI in Mist but don't see anything for logging adjacency changes.

    set system services ssh root-login allow
    set event-options policy tty-traps events tty
    set event-options policy tty-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy ospf-errors-traps events ospf-error
    set event-options policy ospf-errors-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy vtp-traps events vtp
    set event-options policy vtp-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy vlan-create-traps events vlan-create
    set event-options policy vlan-create-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy vlan-delete-traps events vlan-delete
    set event-options policy vlan-delete-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy port-security-traps events port-security
    set event-options policy port-security-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy cpu-threshold-traps events snmp-information
    set event-options policy cpu-threshold-traps attributes snmp-notification-type threshold-exceeded
    set event-options policy cpu-threshold-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy stackwise-traps events stackwise
    set event-options policy stackwise-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy flash-insertion-traps events flash-insert
    set event-options policy flash-insertion-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy flash-removal-traps events flash-remove
    set event-options policy flash-removal-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-group1-traps events power-ethernet
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-group1-traps attributes snmp-notification-group 1
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-group1-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-group2-traps events power-ethernet
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-group2-traps attributes snmp-notification-group 2
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-group2-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-police-traps events power-ethernet
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-police-traps attributes snmp-notification-type police
    set event-options policy power-ethernet-police-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy entity-traps events entity
    set event-options policy entity-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy envmon-traps events envmon
    set event-options policy envmon-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy ipsla-traps events ipsla
    set event-options policy ipsla-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy config-copy-traps events config-copy
    set event-options policy config-copy-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy config-traps events config
    set event-options policy config-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy hsrp-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy bridge-traps events new-root
    set event-options policy bridge-traps events topology-change
    set event-options policy bridge-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy stpx-traps events inconsistency
    set event-options policy stpx-traps events root-inconsistency
    set event-options policy stpx-traps events loop-inconsistency
    set event-options policy stpx-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy syslog-traps events snmp
    set event-options policy syslog-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy vlan-membership-traps events vlan-membership
    set event-options policy vlan-membership-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy errdisable-traps events errdisable
    set event-options policy errdisable-traps attributes snmp-notification-rate 2
    set event-options policy errdisable-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy transceiver-traps events transceiver
    set event-options policy transceiver-traps then raise-trap
    set event-options policy mac-notification-traps events mac-notification
    set event-options policy mac-notification-traps attributes snmp-notification-type change
    set event-options policy mac-notification-traps attributes snmp-notification-type move
    set event-options policy mac-notification-traps attributes snmp-notification-threshold 1
    set event-options policy mac-notification-traps then raise-trap
