I have recently purchased an EX2300-48P Juniper Switch. Forgive me because this is my first Juniper device, and I am learning.
I set the switch up in CLI with the basics of IP address, host name, DNS server, and connected it to my Mist account. Since this is my first Juniper device, I was going through the switch CLI and playing with different configurations in a lab setting. Apparently, I learned that doing that is frowned upon with Mist, and I was having trouble getting Mist to connect to the switch.
Thinking that I was not that far into the configuration, and I was mostly just messing around with configuration, I figured it was easier to factory reset the switch. I held the front button on the front for about 30 seconds. I was not looking on the CLI at the time.
After the switch seemed to come back up. I console ported into the switch to reach the terminal. Now it is continually printing these output. When I try to go in to "CLI > Configure" it will let me in for about a minute and then boot me out of CLI and back to Linux. I tried re-adding it to Mist, and it is still not connecting.
If anyone has any guidance, I would greatly appreciate it. I apologize if I'd didn't use proper terminology.
Thank you!