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  • 1.  MX480 - 13.3R6.5

    Posted 08-04-2023 19:41

    Hi community. This is my first post here so I hope to do it just fine.

    I have this live, no lab, MX480 - 13.3R6.5 and I need to configure the switch built-in dhcp server to provide a fixed IP to a host located in Vlan4 (irb.4) /xe-0/2/2. Let's say mac aaaa.bbbb.cccc will always receive irb.4 is I've found some cli to do so but everytime I make it to the point that some of the option is no available in the cli. 
    I would use:
    set system services dhcp-local-server group local-dhcp-server interface irb.4.0
    set system services dhcp-local-server group local-dhcp-server static-binding aaaa.bbbb.cccc fixed-address
    set system services dhcp-local-server pool local-dhcp-pool address-range low high
    set system services dhcp-local-server pool local-dhcp-pool propagate-settings xe-0/2/2.0 

    Now, second line doesn't work and so on. I've been trying to find a cli guide to do so but I still.. haven't fouuund.. what I'm looking foooor !!!

    Overall I know what I need to do, create the dhc server, create the pool configure the statinc binding and let bind the dhcp server to the irb.4 interface (or xe-0/2/2).
    Any help with cli or documentation is much appreciated.

    Dario L.

    Hernan Londono

  • 2.  RE: MX480 - 13.3R6.5

    Posted 08-05-2023 06:27

    It looks like the static mapping feature is only available on the SRX series.


    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)