I am running BGP on an SRX-100. I have two active interfaces, "A" & "B".
(A) To BGP Peer <--> SRX100 <--> (B) Static Default Route
Interface B is normally the default route which is assigned statically.
Interface A is dynamically routing via BGP and is advertising default route B and receiving other default route choices.
What I would like to accomplish is to actively verify that B is passing traffic and if it fails, to
- Stop using B as the default route,
- Stop advertising B via BGP.
I was able to find instructions for setting up an rpm to verify operation of B and use ip-monitoring policy to change a static route. The rpm seems to work fine*, but I am not clear what to use in the "then" clause of the ip-monitoring policy. The examples I found use "then preferred-route route w.x.y.z/n". But the alternate default route is not another static route on this SRX. If this default route fails, I want it simply removed and for BGP to find the new default route.
The two options I see are either
- to set preferred-route a static default route out A, but then I am still advertising a default route that just points backwards. This seems messed up.
- To have ip-monitoring disable the interface. But if it disables the interface, how would rpm be able to notice if the link became available again in order to bring the interface back up? It seems to be a one way ticket.
So I guess I am asking how to make a static route psedo-dynamic by making it modify the dynamic routing table. I hope I succeeded in explaining clearly. Thanks for any help.
* though it did require I include a next-hop even though the default route was in the routing table.