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Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

  • 1.  Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 06-25-2009 08:37

    Can I get this binary from someone please? I used the NSM.lax which I found here but I get:


    $ sh NSM
    Unable to locate the application's 'main' class. The class 'com.netscreen.apps.mainui.StartUp' must be public and have a 'public static void main(String[])' method. (LAX)
    Unable to Launch Java Application: Unable to locate the application's 'main' class. The class 'com.netscreen.apps.mainui.StartUp' must be public and have a 'public static void main(String[])' method. (LAX)

  • 2.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1
    Best Answer

    Posted 06-25-2009 14:14

  • 3.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 06-25-2009 14:58
    So is it okay to to use the 2008.2r2 gui client to connect to 2008.2r1 server? It can login and I do see my devices. Have not made any policy changes.

  • 4.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 06-25-2009 15:02

    Not sure if you will see any issues using it, since its not an official supported client.


    The past releases, there weren't any issues.

  • 5.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 08-18-2009 13:08

    can one of the Juniper folks create one for 2008.2r2a?



  • 6.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 08-18-2009 15:06
    I've tried the macNsm2008.2r2 client, but it doesn't seem to work with the "a" build. Anyone have any luck?

  • 7.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 06-25-2009 14:32

    The client posted before should resolve this,


    One other thing to note is you need 64bit Java. This means you nead at least core two duo machine (core two doesn't have it).


    Laters & Good luck,



  • 8.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 06-30-2009 18:10

    Well, you actually need java 1.6, which is only available on 64bit macs.


    I had to update the NSM.lax to make sure it uses java 1.6, not current:


  • 9.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 07-08-2009 10:21

    I am still having issues with this. I am still getting:

     Unable to locate the application's 'main' class. The class 'com.netscreen.apps.mainui.StartUp' must be public and have a 'public static void main(String[])' method. (LAX)
    Unable to Launch Java Application: Unable to locate the application's 'main' class. The class 'com.netscreen.apps.mainui.StartUp' must be public and have a 'public static void main(String[])' method. (LAX)

    I also tried modifying to no avail.



    Do I need to set any java home variable or any other vars?

  • 10.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 07-10-2009 08:41

    I have made the changes suggested and now am experiencing the following, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    noneil:NSM noneil$ ./NSM
    ./NSM: line 1721: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Commands/../Home/bin/java: Bad CPU type in executable
    ./NSM: line 1721: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Commands/../Home/bin/java: Unknown error: 0


    Thanks in advance...

    Message Edited by noneil on 07-10-2009 11:42 AM

  • 11.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 07-10-2009 09:06

    Hi Noneil,


    This looks similar to the issue I had, what Mac model are you using?





  • 12.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 07-10-2009 09:25
    It's my work MBP 15", a little older I believe.  It has a 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo CPU with 2 GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM.  Currently operating MAC OS X 10.5.7

  • 13.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 07-22-2009 21:23

    At the bottom of the NSM.lax file is a variable set to some root user path (NSDIR=/root/Network and Security Manager). Change that to where ever you installed the nsm client. Also set the JAVA_HOME in your shell to the java that you want to use; in this case its 1.6 so use this command "export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6"


    It fixes the main not found crap. 



  • 14.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 08-04-2009 11:37



    can you elaborate how to get rid of the main class error?


    i copy and pasted that command into terminal and i don't think it did anything. i'm probably doing something wrong.



  • 15.  RE: Mac OS X NSM client 2008.2.r1

    Posted 08-08-2009 20:34

    No prob,


    First you should verify that you do have java 6 on you system. The fastest way is to run this command in a terminal.

    /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Commands/java -version

    you should get something that looks like this:

    java version "1.6.0_13"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03-211)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.3-b02-83, mixed mode)

    If you don't then there is your first problem. The command above was taken from a line in the nsm.lax file and looks like this

    I didn't touch it; it was already set.


    Now at the bottom of the file (NSM.lax) is a section that looks like this:

    #   NSDIR
    #   -----
    #   the install directory

    NSDIR=/Users/Bird/Desktop/Network and Security Manager


    In my case i have the NSM sitting on my desktop. Set that line and run this ./NSM in the directory and you should be good to go.


    If you still have problems then i'm not sure because that's all i did to get it working. In fact i didn't have to even use the JAVA_HOME variable. What version of OS X are you using? I'm using 10.5.7 and i don't remember when JAVA 6 was installed via updates but i don't think it was that long ago. 6 months maybe?


    Good luck!