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  • 1.  Local Stream Mode Logging not available on SRX 340 - JUNO OS 18.4R3.3

    Posted 07-31-2023 20:12

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to configure a local STREAM Mode logging on an SRX 340 for a customer but only the Server IP option is available in the configuration list in J-Web.

    I'm only allow to log EVENT Mode locally, even with the optional SSD added into the chassis and correctly detected (checked via CLI).

    The current JUNO OS version is 18.4R3.3, 

    I saw on internet that is something possible for vSRX but does someone already do a similar configuration on a real SRX 340, what do I miss here?

    Thanks for the help.



  • 2.  RE: Local Stream Mode Logging not available on SRX 340 - JUNO OS 18.4R3.3

    Posted 08-01-2023 06:01

    Not every option is available in the web interface.  You might have to use cli configuration for features that are not present in jweb.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: Local Stream Mode Logging not available on SRX 340 - JUNO OS 18.4R3.3

    Posted 08-01-2023 14:28

    Hi Spuluka.

    I must have said that in my initial post but I also tried cli and I always end with a syntax error when defining the local file and never be able to finish the configuration.

    So that why I'm asking if a STREAM mode can be logged locally.

    Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
