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  • 1.  Limit any traffic 10GB interface on MX80 to use 1GB only

    Posted 11-12-2012 13:51



    I have 2 MX80s connected to each other via 10GB fiber point-point, I would like to use only 1GB for all traffic and leave 9gb for future. What is the best to achieve this goal via CoS traffic shapping or interface Policiers, I found a link for SRX but the the only internet traffic is being limited



    Filter Definition

    firewall {                              
        policer 2Mbps {
            if-exceeding {
                bandwidth-limit 2m;
                burst-size-limit 100k;
            then discard;
        filter Filter-2Mbps {
            term a {
                from {
                    source-address {
                then {
                    policer 2Mbps;

    Apply on VLAN Interface ( In my case how does this needs to be edited for any traffic?)

    interfaces {
        vlan {
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
                    filter {
                        output 2Mbps;


  • 2.  RE: Limit any traffic 10GB interface on MX80 to use 1GB only

    Posted 11-13-2012 03:18



    I have created a sample configuration for your requirement.

    This would limit any traffic to 1G in both input and output direction.



    [edit firewall]
    +   policer POLICER-1G {
    +       if-exceeding {
    +           bandwidth-limit 1g;
    +           burst-size-limit 5m;
    +       }
    +       then discard;
    +   }


    [edit firewall family inet]
    +     filter Limit-1G {
    +         term 1 {
    +             then {
    +                 policer POLICER-1G;
    +                 accept;
    +             }
    +         }
    +     }


    [edit interfaces xe-0/3/0 unit 0 family inet]
    +       filter {
    +           input Limit-1G;
    +           output Limit-1G;
    +       }



    Moses N

  • 3.  RE: Limit any traffic 10GB interface on MX80 to use 1GB only

    Posted 11-14-2012 21:33

    Thanks for the configuration, I created similar one but I haven't applied it yet. I have quesiton on the burst-size-limit, how do you normally define that, is it always half of what you define in bandwidth-limit?


    Thanks again





  • 4.  RE: Limit any traffic 10GB interface on MX80 to use 1GB only
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-15-2012 00:08



    Burst size can be calculated in the following ways.


    burst-size limit in bytes  =  interface traffic MTU  x  10

    burst-size limit in bytes  =  interface media rate  x  allowable time for bursty traffic  /  8 bits



    Generally 10 times MTU size would be fine.



    Moses N

  • 5.  RE: Limit any traffic 10GB interface on MX80 to use 1GB only

    Posted 11-15-2012 17:42

    Thanks for the explanation :), much appreciated