Unfortunately we are still trying to solve the problem.
We also removed LACP and set the two interfaces to carry different VLAN subsets.
The interface connected to the primary Aruba works correctly.
The other link experiences the same problems as when LACP was bonding the interfaces.
We also tried to capture packets on both sides on the secondary link.
When ping doesn't work, we don't see any ARP request arriving to the secondary Aruba.
If we ping back and "switch on" the communication (as explained above), at the Aruba we see both ARP and pings.
We also mirrored the port on the Juniper side, and we have the same behavior.
Notably, other copper ports of an EX4200 connected in VC with the EX4550, on the same VLANs, show the ARP requests.
It seems like that the Juniper, for some reason, is not forwarding ARP on the specific interface connected to the secondary Aruba.
We are supposing it's a physical media problem, but we don't see any error at physical level. However, we would expect to see anyway ARP requests when mirroring the port at Juniper side. Moreover, in this case the link should never work properly... but it works ok if we start to ping back from clients connected to Aruba to clients connected to Juniper.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-13-2024 04:55
From: fb35523
Subject: LACP not properly working between EX4550 and Aruba 8360
The change to VLAN 199 shouldn't affect the others, but you should correct it anyway. These commands can help find the issue:
show lacp statistics interfaces
show lacp interfaces extensive
show ethernet-switching table
I do think this is an Aruba issue as the EX side is very simple. Are you sure the VLANs are all tagged to all interfaces you need them to be? I think one of the Aruba units is blackholing the MAC addresses (receiving traffic but not forwarding it properly).
Original Message:
Sent: 05-12-2024 04:22
Subject: LACP not properly working between EX4550 and Aruba 8360
Hello, thank you for your answer.
We could not test on VLAN 199 as it has no clients.
We tested on VLANs 224 and 253 and both show problems.
We'll correct on the Juniper side as you suggested and I'll report if it solves the issue.
Many thanks again.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-11-2024 16:23
From: fb35523
Subject: LACP not properly working between EX4550 and Aruba 8360
Is the problem in VLAN s199? You have included s199 as member in ae18 and also made it native VLAN. In the older EX series (non ELS, including 2200/3300/4200/4550), this is not the way to do it. Here, the native VLAN is specified with native-vlan-id 199
(you used s199, which is the name, the ID, tag, 199 should be used). So, remove s199 from the member list and correct the native-vlan-id s199
to native-vlan-id 199
and perhaps this will be sorted.
I don't know how the Aruba will to the same, namely vlan trunk native 199
combined with vlan trunk allowed 150,199,224,253
where 199 is also mentioned. Perhaps this is correct on that end.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-06-2024 08:09
Subject: LACP not properly working between EX4550 and Aruba 8360
we are experiencing problems trying to connect an old VC EX4200-4550 (with 2x EX4450) and a 2x Aruba 8360 VSX with 2x 10Gbit/s f.o. links and LACP.
Physical and LACP links go up, but the logical link doesn't work properly. Examples:
- some clients connected to the Aruba 8360 are reachable, others no, depending on which physical link is up or the sequence of up-downs on physical links, and depending from where we try to ping (different clients on the same network attached to Juniper can/cannot ping clients attached to Aruba simultaneously). This also happens on different VLANs
- if we try to ping clients connected to Juniper starting from clients connected to Aruba, it works and suddenly also the reverse ping (that was not working) starts to work
It seems like that the LACP link works properly only when the LACP "primary" physical interface at the Aruba side is the only up interface (and the "secondary" is switched off).
Any clues on how to solve this? Maybe a configuration error? I post below the configurations and some command outputs of both sides when everything is physically up.
Many thanks in advance for your support.
show configuration interfaces xe-4/0/30
ether-options {
802.3ad ae18;
show configuration interfaces xe-5/0/30
ether-options {
802.3ad ae18;
show configuration interfaces ae18
description HPE;
mtu 9216;
aggregated-ether-options {
lacp {
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
port-mode trunk;
vlan {
members [ p150_storage-tvcc-host s224 s253 s199 ];
native-vlan-id s199;
show lacp interfaces ae18
Aggregated interface: ae18
LACP state: Role Exp Def Dist Col Syn Aggr Timeout Activity
xe-4/0/30 Actor No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast Active
xe-4/0/30 Partner No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast Active
xe-5/0/30 Actor No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast Active
xe-5/0/30 Partner No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast Active
LACP protocol: Receive State Transmit State Mux State
xe-4/0/30 Current Fast periodic Collecting distributing
xe-5/0/30 Current Fast periodic Collecting distributing
ARUBA (primary)
sh running-config interface 1/1/46
interface 1/1/46
description LAG46 Port
no shutdown
mtu 9100
lag 46
interface lag 46 multi-chassis
description LAG46
no shutdown
no routing
vlan trunk native 199
vlan trunk allowed 150,199,224,253
lacp mode active
hash l2-src-dst
lacp rate fast
sh lacp interfaces multi-chassis
State abbreviations :
A - Active P - Passive F - Aggregable I - Individual
S - Short-timeout L - Long-timeout N - InSync O - OutofSync
C - Collecting D - Distributing
X - State m/c expired E - Default neighbor state
Actor details of all interfaces:
Intf Aggregate Port Port State System-ID System Aggr
name id Priority Priority Key
1/1/46 lag46(mc) 46 1 ASFNCD 02:01:00:01:00:00 65534 46
Partner details of all interfaces:
Intf Aggregate Partner Port State System-ID System Aggr
name Port-id Priority Priority Key
1/1/46 lag46(mc) 36 127 ASFNCD 00:1f:12:3f:bb:00 127 19
Remote Actor details of all interfaces:
Intf Aggregate Port Port State System-ID System Aggr
name id Priority Priority Key
1/1/46 lag46(mc) 1046 1 ASFNCD 02:01:00:01:00:00 65534 46
Remote Partner details of all interfaces:
Intf Aggregate Partner Port State System-ID System Aggr
name Port-id Priority Priority Key
1/1/46 lag46(mc) 35 127 ASFNCD 00:1f:12:3f:bb:00 127 19