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  • 1.  l2circuit one way traffic

    Posted 10-05-2023 17:17


    I have some problem with l2circuit on QFX5100 one way traffic maybe some can help me 
    In general, the problem is that the lack of traffic in the tunnel itself, that is, devices connected to ports 0/47 are not able to ping 

    Both switch
    Junos: 19.1R3.9

    Switcha A

    run ping mpls l2circuit virtual-circuit 200 neighbor 


    --- lsping statistics ---

    5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss


        Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans

        ge-0/0/47.0(vc 200)       rmt   Up     Oct  5 22:45:31 2023           1

          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: No

          Incoming label: 19, Outgoing label: 18

          Negotiated PW status TLV: No

          Local interface: ge-0/0/47.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET

            Description: SQD

          Flow Label Transmit: No, Flow Label Receive: No

    Switch B

    run ping mpls l2circuit virtual-circuit 200 neighbor 


    --- lsping statistics ---

    5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss



        Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans

        ge-0/0/47.0(vc 200)       rmt   Up     Oct  5 23:04:06 2023           1

          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: No

          Incoming label: 18, Outgoing label: 19

          Negotiated PW status TLV: No

          Local interface: ge-0/0/47.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET

            Description: SQD

          Flow Label Transmit: No, Flow Label Receive: No

    If you need more information ask 

    Grzegorz Dacka

  • 2.  RE: l2circuit one way traffic

    Posted 10-06-2023 11:15

    What does your configuration look like? I had these problems on our EX4600 devices and we noticed that our packets were getting "corrupted" after certain time periods and even though it had no "control word" setup it started shoving parts of the packet into the Control Word header and then it made the packet malformed and the other end didn't know how to process it once the packet had all the labels popped. 
    We fixed this by actually configuring no-control-word specifically in our configuration and we have never seen the issue arise again. 

    show configuration protocols l2circuit 
    neighbor {
        interface ge-0/0/1.0 {
            virtual-circuit-id 118;
            mtu 1950;

    Derek Summitt

  • 3.  RE: l2circuit one way traffic

    Posted 10-06-2023 15:17
    Edited by Grzegorz Dacka 10-06-2023 15:21


    My config is very simple 

    #show configuration interfaces xe-0/0/0 

    description "LINK SQD";


    mtu 9216;

    encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services;

    unit 0 {

        family ethernet-switching {

            interface-mode trunk;

            vlan {

                members MGMT;




    unit 194 {

        vlan-id 194;

        family inet {



        family mpls;


    run show configuration protocols ospf 

    area {

        interface lo0.0 {



        interface xe-0/0/0.194;


    export export-ospf;

    import import-ospf;

    # run show configuration protocols bgp 

    inactive: group eVPN {

        type internal;


        family evpn {



        local-as 65300;


        bfd-liveness-detection {

            minimum-interval 1500;

            minimum-receive-interval 1500;

            multiplier 3;




    # run show configuration interfaces lo0 

    unit 0 {

        family inet {




    #show protocols l2circuit 

    neighbor {

        interface ge-0/0/47.0 {

            virtual-circuit-id 200;

            description "SQD";





    run show ospf neighbor 

    Address          Interface              State           ID               Pri  Dead    xe-0/0/0.194           Full       128    36


    # run show ldp neighbor 

    Address                             Interface       Label space ID     Hold time                        lo0.0        34                       xe-0/0/0.194       12


    # run show mpls interface 

    Interface        State       Administrative groups (x: extended)

    xe-0/0/0.194     Up         <none>

    # run show route table l2circuit.0 

    l2circuit.0: 2 destinations, 2 routes (2 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)

    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both                

                       *[L2CKT/7] 05:14:20, metric2 1

                        >  to via xe-0/0/0.194                

                       *[LDP/9] 05:21:07


    # run show route table mpls.0 

    mpls.0: 9 destinations, 9 routes (9 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)

    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both

    0                  *[MPLS/0] 12:56:18, metric 1


    1                  *[MPLS/0] 12:56:18, metric 1


    2                  *[MPLS/0] 12:56:18, metric 1


    13                 *[MPLS/0] 12:56:18, metric 1


    26                 *[LDP/9] 05:22:40, metric 1

                        >  to via xe-0/0/0.194, Pop      

    26(S=0)            *[LDP/9] 05:22:40, metric 1

                        >  to via xe-0/0/0.194, Pop      

    27                 *[LDP/9] 05:22:40, metric 1

                        >  to via xe-0/0/0.194, Swap 18

    28                 *[L2CKT/7] 05:15:53

                        >  via ge-0/0/47.0, Pop      

    ge-0/0/47.0        *[L2CKT/7] 05:15:53, metric2 1

                        >  to via xe-0/0/0.194, Push 17



    # run show l2circuit connections extensive 

    Layer-2 Circuit Connections:

    Legend for connection status (St)   

    EI -- encapsulation invalid      NP -- interface h/w not present   

    MM -- mtu mismatch               Dn -- down                       

    EM -- encapsulation mismatch     VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit Down    

    CM -- control-word mismatch      Up -- operational                

    VM -- vlan id mismatch CF -- Call admission control failure

    OL -- no outgoing label          IB -- TDM incompatible bitrate 

    NC -- intf encaps not CCC/TCC    TM -- TDM misconfiguration 

    BK -- Backup Connection          ST -- Standby Connection

    CB -- rcvd cell-bundle size bad  SP -- Static Pseudowire

    LD -- local site signaled down   RS -- remote site standby

    RD -- remote site signaled down  HS -- Hot-standby Connection

    XX -- unknown

    Legend for interface status  

    Up -- operational            

    Dn -- down                   


        Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans

        ge-0/0/47.0(vc 200)       rmt   Up     Oct  6 15:58:22 2023           1

          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: No

          Incoming label: 28, Outgoing label: 17

          Negotiated PW status TLV: No

          Local interface: ge-0/0/47.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET

            Description: SQD

          Flow Label Transmit: No, Flow Label Receive: No

        Connection History:

            Oct  6 15:58:22 2023  PE route changed     

            Oct  6 15:58:22 2023  Out lbl Update                        17

            Oct  6 15:58:22 2023  In lbl Update                         28

            Oct  6 15:58:22 2023  loc intf up                  ge-0/0/47.0


    # run ping mpls l2circuit virtual-circuit 200 neighbor    


    --- lsping statistics ---

    5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

    Like U see nothing special in configuartion

    Any idea ?
    Can you share You full config (can be in private message)


    Grzegorz Dacka

  • 4.  RE: l2circuit one way traffic

    Posted 10-09-2023 02:56


    Anyone is able to help ? Suggest where to look for the problem ?

    Grzegorz Dacka

  • 5.  RE: l2circuit one way traffic

    Posted 10-09-2023 09:47
    Edited by derek.summitt 10-09-2023 09:48
    This message was sent securely using Zix®

    Try to add a "source address" to your ping statement. 
    If you don't have the configuration set to source all traffic from the control plane/loopback it could be using a different Interface IP address. 

    so run ping mpls l2circuit virtual-circuit 200 neighbor source
    If this works then I would guess that you might be missing this configuration line on your devices. 
    set system default-address-selection

  • 6.  RE: l2circuit one way traffic

    Posted 10-09-2023 09:56
    Edited by Grzegorz Dacka 10-09-2023 09:59


    Thx for replay 

    # run ping mpls l2circuit virtual-circuit 200 neighbor source
    --- lsping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

    #run ping mpls l2circuit virtual-circuit 200 neighbor source detail

    Request for seq 1, to interface 572, labels <28, 1>, packet size 88
    Request for seq 2, to interface 572, labels <28, 1>, packet size 88
    Request for seq 3, to interface 572, labels <28, 1>, packet size 88
    Timeout for seq 1
    Request for seq 4, to interface 572, labels <28, 1>, packet size 88
    Timeout for seq 2
    Request for seq 5, to interface 572, labels <28, 1>, packet size 88
    Timeout for seq 3
    Timeout for seq 4
    Timeout for seq 5

    --- lsping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

    #run show configuration system |match default

    So this is not this 

    One curiosity on hosts connected to ports on one side and on the other side and in fact on one host I can see the mac address of the other side but it is only visible on one host on the other not anymore ;(

    Grzegorz Dacka

  • 7.  RE: l2circuit one way traffic

    Posted 10-10-2023 16:55

    Can you do a show route for your loopback addresses of your neighbors and provide the different route tables it shows up in? You should see it in the inet.0, inet.3 .  Can you do that on both sides?  Can you ping your loopbacks without doing the MPLS ping? 

    Can you provide the configuration on the ge-0/0/47.0 interface?

    I think your latest commands were coming from the other side opposed to the earlier post with the route tables because it looks like the Labels aren't lining up with your ping "detail" output.  which makes sense if it's coming from the other side of the connection. 

    > show route  (Loopback Address )

    inet.0: XXX destinations, XXX routes (XXX active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both      *[IS-IS/18] 7w6d 13:01:43, metric 110
                        >  to 172.X.X.X via ge-0/0/23.0

    inet.3: XXX destinations, XXX routes (XXX active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both      *[LDP/9] 7w6d 13:01:43, metric 110
                        >  to 172.X.X.X via ge-0/0/23.0, Push 68171

    > show route table mpls protocol l2circuit 

    mpls.0: XXX  destinations, XXX  routes (XXX  active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both

    17                 *[L2CKT/7] 11w5d 11:40:48
                        >  via ge-0/0/0.0, Pop      
    ge-0/0/0.0         *[L2CKT/7] 7w6d 13:04:31, metric2 110
                        >  to 172.XX.X.X via ge-0/0/23.0, Push 19, Push 68171(top)

    When we look at the L2circuit connection we need to make sure all the labels are lining up properly and associating with the right interfaces. 

        Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        ge-0/0/0.0(vc 114)        rmt   Up     Jul 20 01:42:33 2023           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: No
          Incoming label: 17, Outgoing label: 19
          Negotiated PW status TLV: No
          Local interface: ge-0/0/0.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET
          Flow Label Transmit: No, Flow Label Receive: No

    This Interface ID here should the logical interface that has MPLS on it in your configuration and it should 

    > ping mpls l2circuit virtual-circuit XXX neighbor detail 
    Request for seq 1, to interface 560, labels <19, 1, 68171>, packet size 88 
    Reply for seq 1, return code: Egress-ok, time: 24.557 ms
            Local transmit time: 2023-10-10 13:16:15 EDT 457.192 ms
            Remote receive time: 2023-10-10 13:16:15 EDT 481.749 ms

    Do you have active support with Juniper to have them look at this with ya through a JTAC case? 

    Derek Summitt

  • 8.  RE: l2circuit one way traffic

    Posted 10-11-2023 02:43


    Thx for answer 
    Below is the information you asked for, if anything else is needed please let me know. I will be grateful for your help in solving the problem 


    # run show route

    inet.0: 16 destinations, 17 routes (16 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both    *[OSPF/10] 4d 16:29:44, metric 1
                        >  to via xe-0/0/3.194

    inet.3: 2 destinations, 2 routes (2 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both    *[LDP/9] 4d 16:29:44, metric 1
                        >  to via xe-0/0/3.194

    # run ping count 5 rapid
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 32.663/33.026/33.512/0.282 ms

    set interfaces ge-0/0/47 encapsulation ethernet-ccc
    set interfaces ge-0/0/47 unit 0

    Also was config with 
     set interfaces ge-0/0/47 unit 0 family ccc

    run show ospf neighbor
    Address          Interface              State           ID               Pri  Dead    xe-0/0/3.194           Full       128    35

    # run show ldp neighbor
    Address                             Interface       Label space ID     Hold time                        lo0.0        34                       xe-0/0/3.194       13

    # show protocols mpls
    interface xe-0/0/3.194;
    interface lo0.0;

    # show protocols ldp
    interface xe-0/0/3.194;
    interface lo0.0;

    # run show l2circuit connections
    Layer-2 Circuit Connections:

    Legend for connection status (St)
    EI -- encapsulation invalid      NP -- interface h/w not present
    MM -- mtu mismatch               Dn -- down
    EM -- encapsulation mismatch     VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit Down
    CM -- control-word mismatch      Up -- operational
    VM -- vlan id mismatch           CF -- Call admission control failure
    OL -- no outgoing label          IB -- TDM incompatible bitrate
    NC -- intf encaps not CCC/TCC    TM -- TDM misconfiguration
    BK -- Backup Connection          ST -- Standby Connection
    CB -- rcvd cell-bundle size bad  SP -- Static Pseudowire
    LD -- local site signaled down   RS -- remote site standby
    RD -- remote site signaled down  HS -- Hot-standby Connection
    XX -- unknown

    Legend for interface status
    Up -- operational
    Dn -- down
        Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        ge-0/0/35.0(vc 100)       rmt   NP
        Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        ge-0/0/47.0(vc 47)        rmt   Up     Oct 10 13:52:33 2023           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 25, Outgoing label: 31
          Negotiated PW status TLV: No
          Local interface: ge-0/0/47.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET
            Description: SQD
          Flow Label Transmit: No, Flow Label Receive: No
        Connection History:
            Oct 10 13:52:56 2023  PE route changed
            Oct 10 13:52:33 2023  status update timer
            Oct 10 13:52:33 2023  PE route changed
            Oct 10 13:52:33 2023  Out lbl Update                        31
            Oct 10 13:52:33 2023  In lbl Update                         25
            Oct 10 13:52:33 2023  loc intf up                  ge-0/0/47.0


    # run show route

    inet.0: 14 destinations, 15 routes (14 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both    *[OSPF/10] 4d 16:35:18, metric 1
                        >  to via xe-0/0/0.194

    inet.3: 2 destinations, 2 routes (2 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
    + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both    *[LDP/9] 4d 16:35:18, metric 1
                        >  to via xe-0/0/0.194

    # run ping count 5 rapid
    PING ( 56 data bytes
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 33.340/41.740/43.876/4.200 ms

    set interfaces ge-0/0/47 encapsulation ethernet-ccc
    set interfaces ge-0/0/47 unit 0

    Also was config with 
     set interfaces ge-0/0/47 unit 0 family ccc

    # run show ospf neighbor
    Address          Interface              State           ID               Pri  Dead    xe-0/0/0.194           Full       128    34

    # run show ldp neighbor
    Address                             Interface       Label space ID     Hold time                        lo0.0        41                       xe-0/0/0.194       12

    # show protocols mpls
    interface xe-0/0/0.194;
    interface lo0.0;

    # show protocols ldp
    interface xe-0/0/0.194;
    interface lo0.0;

    2# run show l2circuit connections
    Layer-2 Circuit Connections:

    Legend for connection status (St)
    EI -- encapsulation invalid      NP -- interface h/w not present
    MM -- mtu mismatch               Dn -- down
    EM -- encapsulation mismatch     VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit Down
    CM -- control-word mismatch      Up -- operational
    VM -- vlan id mismatch           CF -- Call admission control failure
    OL -- no outgoing label          IB -- TDM incompatible bitrate
    NC -- intf encaps not CCC/TCC    TM -- TDM misconfiguration
    BK -- Backup Connection          ST -- Standby Connection
    CB -- rcvd cell-bundle size bad  SP -- Static Pseudowire
    LD -- local site signaled down   RS -- remote site standby
    RD -- remote site signaled down  HS -- Hot-standby Connection
    XX -- unknown

    Legend for interface status
    Up -- operational
    Dn -- down
        Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
        ge-0/0/47.0(vc 47)        rmt   Up     Oct 10 13:52:57 2023           1
          Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: Yes (Null)
          Incoming label: 31, Outgoing label: 25
          Negotiated PW status TLV: No
          Local interface: ge-0/0/47.0, Status: Up, Encapsulation: ETHERNET
            Description: SQD
          Flow Label Transmit: No, Flow Label Receive: No
     Connection History:
            Oct 10 13:52:57 2023  status update timer
            Oct 10 13:52:57 2023  PE route changed
            Oct 10 13:52:57 2023  Out lbl Update                        25
            Oct 10 13:52:57 2023  In lbl Update                         31
            Oct 10 13:52:57 2023  loc intf up                  ge-0/0/47.0

    Grzegorz Dacka