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  • 1.  Juniper MX as a LAC and CPE

    Posted 08-22-2023 12:57


    I am trying to confirm an end-to-end test in eve-ng of L2TP including the LAC and the CPE. I have managed this with real equipment a couple of years ago using MX 240s and a couple of Cisco devices to replicate the CPE and LAC. But with eve-ng I only have the MX to try and create a dialler.

    Having read many forum posts I have discoved that this can be completed on an vMX, but only if it has an MS-MPC slot. I have also found a way of being able to force this through changing the vmx.conf as per below:

    #vPFE VM parameters
    memory-mb : 65536
    vcpus : 32
    console_port: 8602
    device-type : sriov
     pic-name : service-pic-2g
     interfaces :
    - type : static
    ipaddr :
    macaddr : "0A:00:DD:C3:FD:10"
    However, with the eve-ng version of the vMX I cannot find the vmx.conf file anywhere.
    Has anybody managed to get an MS-MPC slot installed on their vMX and if so, how did you manage it please?

    Clive Gwyther

  • 2.  RE: Juniper MX as a LAC and CPE

    Posted 08-23-2023 07:05


    Are u sure that MS-MPC work in ESXi?


  • 3.  RE: Juniper MX as a LAC and CPE

    Posted 09-22-2023 03:10


    Apologies for the late response. I am not using an ESXi, I am using a vMX. 

    I have configured up an LNS and wanted to fully test end-to-end with a CPE and a LAC (L2TP Concentrator). I can do this with Cisco but I wanted to create a test CPE and a test LAC but, as mentioned, it seems that MS-MPC is a requirement.

    Clive Gwyther