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  • 1.  jcs module

    Posted 11-07-2023 05:48


    Hi i am trying to run pyhon script on ACX7024 junos EVO

    I am getting this error : "ModuleNotFoundError:No module named 'jcs'

    it is running perfectly on MX


  • 2.  RE: jcs module

    Posted 11-15-2023 13:12

    The jcs module enables the script to execute supported extension functions. A look on Feature Explorer shows support for this on various Junos OS Evolved 21.X versions across these three ACX platforms:
    - ACX7100-32C
    - ACX7100-48L
    - ACX7509
    Can you confirm that the feature should work on your ACX hardware and software? The MX has had JCS for some time, so JCS on the MX is expected. 

    Jessica Garrison