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  • 1.  J 6350 CPU Utilization is very high Pls suggest the cause

    Posted 07-14-2008 00:27
    admin@ZCC_KOLKATA> show chassis routing-engine   
    Routing Engine status:
        Temperature                 18 degrees C / 64 degrees F
        CPU temperature             51 degrees C / 123 degrees F
        DRAM                      1024 MB
        Memory utilization          49 percent
        CPU utilization:
          User                       3 percent
          Real-time threads         67 percent
          Kernel                     4 percent
          Idle                      26 percent
        Model                          RE-J6350-3400
        Serial ID                      NK5073
        Start time                     2008-07-12 13:49:39 UTC
        Uptime                         1 day, 23 hours, 1 minute, 20 seconds
        Load averages:                 1 minute   5 minute  15 minute
                                           0.63       0.45       0.43

  • 2.  RE: J 6350 CPU Utilization is very high Pls suggest the cause

    Posted 07-14-2008 02:19

    i believe its normal, what junos version of software are u using?





  • 3.  RE: J 6350 CPU Utilization is very high Pls suggest the cause

    Posted 07-14-2008 02:28

    Hi Rahil,


    i am using Junos 8.5R3.4...



  • 4.  RE: J 6350 CPU Utilization is very high Pls suggest the cause

    Posted 07-14-2008 02:44

    thanks Anupam, what kind of environment you are running this FW/Router?





  • 5.  RE: J 6350 CPU Utilization is very high Pls suggest the cause

    Posted 07-14-2008 02:55


  • 6.  RE: J 6350 CPU Utilization is very high Pls suggest the cause

    Posted 07-14-2008 04:50

    Hi Raheel,


    This router is deployed in 24X7 call Center environment. Its been connected to a remote router with 3E1 links configured in MLPPP.

    The major issue we face is if I see in router that all of my e1 links are up and working fine but I an getting RTO while pining one of the PC which is at remote end. Some time it goes in to hang state. And if we reboot the router then everything works fine.


    Please suggest what will be the cause.



    Anupam Sharma

  • 7.  RE: J 6350 CPU Utilization is very high Pls suggest the cause
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-15-2008 04:22

    Hi Anupam,


    its very hard to tell without looking an enviroment and configuration, why router cpu utilization is high.


    please check





    otherwise i would suggest to open a ticket with JTAC for further help/debuging.



    Raheel Anwar


    Message Edited by KB_Fan on 11-12-2008 08:24 AM

  • 8.  RE: J 6350 CPU Utilization is very high Pls suggest the cause

    Posted 07-15-2008 04:36

    Hi Raheel,


    Thnaks for your kind support.



    Anupam Sharma