The workarounds that are mentioned in the link that I had shared earlier are applicable only for a vMX_NV (Nested VM) resource. However, I believe that on vlabs only vMX (not NV) resources are used. LACP is not supported on such resources. Please see below known limitations for the vMX resources.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-14-2024 06:45
Subject: Issue with Aggregated Ethernet (ae) interfaces in Juniper vLabs
Thanks for the reply.
I tried opening the link but my account doesn't have enough privileges to access the article.
could u please copy the necessary steps/commands I need to run? Because I have no other way to access this.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-14-2024 02:05
From: Sheetanshu
Subject: Issue with Aggregated Ethernet (ae) interfaces in Juniper vLabs
Hi Shahbaz,
There are some known limitations where the ESXi hypervisor drops L2 traffic like tagged frames, LLDP, LACP, etc.
This KB talks about the ways to get around this situation -
- Are vMX NV resources being used here?
- Please check if the serial numbers of the vMXs are the same for the two devices.
- Please use the information available in the above KB to change the serial number of the vMXs (if they are the same) and to run a script from the Helper VM that would make LACP LAG work.
Sheetanshu Shekhar
Original Message:
Sent: 05-13-2024 02:37
Subject: Issue with Aggregated Ethernet (ae) interfaces in Juniper vLabs
Hello everyone.
I am trying to simulate ae interfaces in Juniper vLabs. I am running into an issue where the output of "show lacp interfaces ae0" shows the following. The ae interface is down.
jcluser@PE25# run show lacp interfaces ae0 Aggregated interface: ae0 LACP state: Role Exp Def Dist Col Syn Aggr Timeout Activity ge-0/0/0 Actor No Yes No No No Yes Fast Active ge-0/0/0 Partner No Yes No No No Yes Fast Passive ge-0/0/2 Actor No Yes No No No Yes Fast Active ge-0/0/2 Partner No Yes No No No Yes Fast Passive LACP protocol: Receive State Transmit State Mux State ge-0/0/0 Defaulted Fast periodic Detached ge-0/0/2 Defaulted Fast periodic Detached
The config is shown below.
jcluser@CE41# show interfaces ge-0/0/0 gigether-options { 802.3ad ae0;}[edit]jcluser@CE41# show interfaces ge-0/0/2 gigether-options { 802.3ad ae0;}[edit]jcluser@CE41# show interfaces ae0 aggregated-ether-options { lacp { active; force-up; }}unit 0 { family inet { address; }}[edit]jcluser@CE41# show chassis aggregated-devices ethernet { device-count 1;}
When I use the force-up knob under ae0's [aggregated-ether-options lacp] hierarchy, ae0 comes up but only one interface is in "Collecting Distributing" state.
jcluser@CE41# run show lacp interfaces ae0 Aggregated interface: ae0 LACP state: Role Exp Def Dist Col Syn Aggr Timeout Activity ge-0/0/0 FUP Actor Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast Active ge-0/0/0 FUP Partner No Yes No No Yes Yes Fast Passive ge-0/0/2 Actor No Yes No No No Yes Fast Active ge-0/0/2 Partner No Yes No No No Yes Fast Passive LACP protocol: Receive State Transmit State Mux State ge-0/0/0 FUP Current Fast periodic Collecting distributing ge-0/0/2 Defaulted Fast periodic Detached
I am not sure what I am missing. Is there some extra config that needs to take place, since this is the vLabs environment.
Looking forward to the guidance of community members.
Thanks in advance.