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  • 1.  Issue with Aggregated Ethernet (ae) interfaces in Juniper vLabs

    Posted 05-13-2024 02:38

    Hello everyone.

     I am trying to simulate ae interfaces in Juniper vLabs. I am running into an issue where the output of "show lacp interfaces ae0" shows the following. The ae interface is down.

    jcluser@PE25# run show lacp interfaces ae0  
    Aggregated interface: ae0
        LACP state:       Role   Exp   Def  Dist  Col  Syn  Aggr  Timeout  Activity
          ge-0/0/0       Actor    No   Yes    No   No   No   Yes     Fast    Active
          ge-0/0/0     Partner    No   Yes    No   No   No   Yes     Fast   Passive
          ge-0/0/2       Actor    No   Yes    No   No   No   Yes     Fast    Active
          ge-0/0/2     Partner    No   Yes    No   No   No   Yes     Fast   Passive
        LACP protocol:        Receive State  Transmit State          Mux State 
          ge-0/0/0                Defaulted   Fast periodic           Detached
          ge-0/0/2                Defaulted   Fast periodic           Detached

    The config is shown below.

    jcluser@CE41# show interfaces ge-0/0/0        
    gigether-options {
        802.3ad ae0;
    jcluser@CE41# show interfaces ge-0/0/2    
    gigether-options {
        802.3ad ae0;
    jcluser@CE41# show interfaces ae0 
    aggregated-ether-options {
        lacp {
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
    jcluser@CE41# show chassis aggregated-devices 
    ethernet {
        device-count 1;

    When I use the force-up knob under ae0's [aggregated-ether-options lacp] hierarchy, ae0 comes up but only one interface is in "Collecting Distributing" state. 

    jcluser@CE41# run show lacp interfaces ae0 
    Aggregated interface: ae0
        LACP state:       Role   Exp   Def  Dist  Col  Syn  Aggr  Timeout  Activity
          ge-0/0/0 FUP    Actor  Yes    No   Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes     Fast    Active
          ge-0/0/0 FUP  Partner   No   Yes    No   No  Yes   Yes     Fast   Passive
          ge-0/0/2       Actor    No   Yes    No   No   No   Yes     Fast    Active
          ge-0/0/2     Partner    No   Yes    No   No   No   Yes     Fast   Passive
        LACP protocol:        Receive State  Transmit State          Mux State 
          ge-0/0/0 FUP              Current   Fast periodic Collecting distributing
          ge-0/0/2                Defaulted   Fast periodic           Detached

    I am not sure what I am missing. Is there some extra config that needs to take place, since this is the vLabs environment. 

    Looking forward to the guidance of community members. 
    Thanks in advance.


  • 2.  RE: Issue with Aggregated Ethernet (ae) interfaces in Juniper vLabs

    Posted 05-14-2024 02:06

    Hi Shahbaz,

    There are some known limitations where the ESXi hypervisor drops L2 traffic like tagged frames, LLDP, LACP, etc.

    This KB talks about the ways to get around this situation -

    • Are vMX NV resources being used here?
    • Please check if the serial numbers of the vMXs are the same for the two devices.
    • Please use the information available in the above KB to change the serial number of the vMXs (if they are the same) and to run a script from the Helper VM that would make LACP LAG work.


    Sheetanshu Shekhar

  • 3.  RE: Issue with Aggregated Ethernet (ae) interfaces in Juniper vLabs

    Posted 05-14-2024 06:46

    Thanks for the reply. 
    I tried opening the link but my account doesn't have enough privileges to access the article.

    could u please copy the necessary steps/commands I need to run? Because I have no other way to access this.


  • 4.  RE: Issue with Aggregated Ethernet (ae) interfaces in Juniper vLabs

    Posted 05-14-2024 09:03


    The workarounds that are mentioned in the link that I had shared earlier are applicable only for a vMX_NV (Nested VM) resource. However, I believe that on vlabs only vMX (not NV) resources are used. LACP is not supported on such resources. Please see below known limitations for the vMX resources.


    Sheetanshu Shekhar