The values that ronf mentioned are per PFE. EX4200 can have 2 or 3 PFEs and the rest of devices 1 PFE).
But this buffer by default is split equally in shared buffers and dedicated buffers.
This means that each port has some buffers that cannot be used by other ports and if not used, they are wasted.
If a port needs more buffers, it can take buffers from the shared buffers.
So a port can be using from 0 shared buffers up to all shared buffers.
You can change the size of the shared buffer like this:
root@EX# set class-of-service shared-buffer percent ?
Possible completions:
<percent> Percentage of shared buffer to be used (5..100)
If you choose 100 percent, then the ports will not have any dedicated buffers.
If you go to 5 percent, then almost everything will be allocated as dedicated buffers to the ports.
If you intend to change this, carefully analyze all the consequences that comes from this change.
- if you leave the ports without no dedicated buffers, you might prevent some ports to send traffic if there is an aggressive flow that will eat all the shared buffer
-if you leave no shared buffer, then the buffers that goes to ports underutilized will be wasted and flows that need more buffers will encounter packet loss
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