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  • 1.  Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output

    Posted 03-21-2020 14:52

    Hi all,

    I am working on a QFX5100-48S-6Q running JUNOS 14.1X53-D30.3. I have configured CoS on some of the switch's interfaces and was using 'show' commands to review my configuration when I found that interfaces on which I've configured CoS are not appearing the CoS forwarding table.


    Firstly, I have configured some switch interfaces with CoS. All interfaces on the switch are fully functional (ie. physical and link is up).


    Secondly, this is the CoS configuration that has been applied to the above interfaces:

    admin@eaccT03sw01> show configuration class-of-service | no-more
    classifiers {
        dscp cl-dscp-default {
            import default;
        dscp cl-voip {
            import cl-dscp-default;
            forwarding-class fc-voip {
                loss-priority low code-points [ 100110 101110 ];
        ieee-802.1 cl-ieee-mcast {
            import default;
    drop-profiles {
        dp-default {
            interpolate {
                fill-level [ 0 100 ];
                drop-probability [ 0 100 ];
        dp-voip {
            interpolate {
                fill-level [ 0 100 ];
                drop-probability [ 0 1 ];
    forwarding-classes {
        class best-effort queue-num 0;
        class fcoe queue-num 3;
        class no-loss queue-num 4;
        class network-control queue-num 7;
        class mcast queue-num 8;
        class fc-voip queue-num 5;
    traffic-control-profiles {
        tcp-lan {
            scheduler-map schm-lan;
            guaranteed-rate percent 95;
        tcp-lan-mcast {
            scheduler-map schm-lan-mcast;
            guaranteed-rate percent 5;
    forwarding-class-sets {
        fcs-default {
            class best-effort;
            class fcoe;
            class no-loss;
            class network-control;
            class fc-voip;
        fcs-mcast {
            class mcast;
    interfaces {
        xe-[chassis/slot/port] {
            forwarding-class-set {
                fcs-default {
                    output-traffic-control-profile tcp-lan;
                fcs-mcast {
                    output-traffic-control-profile tcp-lan-mcast;
            unit 0 {
                classifiers {
                    dscp cl-voip;
                    ieee-802.1 cl-ieee-mcast;
    scheduler-maps {
        schm-lan {
            forwarding-class best-effort scheduler lan-be;
            forwarding-class fcoe scheduler lan-fcoe;
            forwarding-class no-loss scheduler lan-noloss;
            forwarding-class network-control scheduler lan-nc;
            forwarding-class fc-voip scheduler lan-voip;
        schm-lan-mcast {
            forwarding-class mcast scheduler lan-mcast;
    schedulers {
        lan-be {
            transmit-rate percent 60;
            buffer-size percent 60;
            priority low;
            drop-profile-map loss-priority any protocol any drop-profile dp-default;
        lan-fcoe {
            transmit-rate percent 5;
            buffer-size percent 5;
            priority low;
            drop-profile-map loss-priority any protocol any drop-profile dp-default;
        lan-noloss {
            transmit-rate percent 10;
            buffer-size percent 10;
            priority low;
            drop-profile-map loss-priority any protocol any drop-profile dp-default;
        lan-nc {
            transmit-rate percent 5;
            buffer-size percent 5;
            priority low;
            drop-profile-map loss-priority any protocol any drop-profile dp-default;
        lan-mcast {
            transmit-rate percent 10;
            buffer-size percent 10;
            priority low;
        lan-voip {
            transmit-rate percent 10;
            buffer-size percent 10;
            priority low;
            drop-profile-map loss-priority any protocol any drop-profile dp-voip;


    Thirdly, this is the abbreviated output of 'show class-of-service forwarding-table scheduler-map'. The only interfaces that appear in this output are those that have not been configured with CoS. Here is an example of one interface that hasn't been configured with CoS - you can see it is using the default scheduling settings:

    admin@Tsw01> show class-of-service forwarding-table scheduler-map
    Interface: xe-0/0/39, (Index: 697, Map index: 2, Map type: FINAL, Num of queues: 5):
    Index: 0
      Entry 0 (Scheduler index: 0, Forwarding class #: 0, Queue #: 0):
        Tx rate: 0 Kb (5%), Buffer size: 5 percent
    Priority low
     Excess rate: proportion 0 Excess priority: low
        PLP high: 1, PLP low: 1, TCP PLP high: 1, TCP PLP low: 1
      Entry 1 (Scheduler index: 0, Forwarding class #: 1, Queue #: 3):
        Tx rate: 0 Kb (35%), Buffer size: 35 percent
    Priority low
     Excess rate: proportion 0 Excess priority: low
        PLP high: 1, PLP low: 1, TCP PLP high: 1, TCP PLP low: 1
      Entry 2 (Scheduler index: 0, Forwarding class #: 2, Queue #: 4):
        Tx rate: 0 Kb (35%), Buffer size: 35 percent
    Priority low
     Excess rate: proportion 0 Excess priority: low
        PLP high: 1, PLP low: 1, TCP PLP high: 1, TCP PLP low: 1
      Entry 3 (Scheduler index: 0, Forwarding class #: 3, Queue #: 7):
        Tx rate: 0 Kb (5%), Buffer size: 5 percent
    Priority low
     Excess rate: proportion 0 Excess priority: low
        PLP high: 1, PLP low: 1, TCP PLP high: 1, TCP PLP low: 1
      Entry 4 (Scheduler index: 0, Forwarding class #: 8, Queue #: 8):
        Tx rate: 0 Kb (20%), Buffer size: 20 percent
    Priority low
     Excess rate: proportion 0 Excess priority: low
        PLP high: 1, PLP low: 1, TCP PLP high: 1, TCP PLP low: 1


    Therefore, I'd appreciate help with the following:

    1. Why are none of the interfaces that I'd configured with CoS are appearing when I run 'show class-of-service forwarding-table scheduler-map'? 
    2. If you're running CoS, can you please share the 'show class-of-service forwarding-table scheduler-map' command output so we can compare outputs?
    3. Any feedback on my CoS configuration will also be gratefully received!


  • 2.  RE: Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output

    Posted 03-21-2020 15:34

    Hi jrb18,


     How are COS settings showing if you run "show interfaces extensive"?


    Please also note that your current code is already EOL/EOE, so before further testing i would consider upgrading to a newer version to discard old bugs.



  • 3.  RE: Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output

    Posted 03-22-2020 14:05

    Hi egarro,


    Unfortunately we can't update the switch because it is used in a critical production system. I had a look through the Juniper PR database in case what I'm seeing is a bug but didn't find anything relevant.


    I've included a sample of output from show interfaces extensive below - CoS has been configured on xe-0/0/0 but not on xe-0/0/30:

    admin@Tsw01> show interfaces extensive xe-0/0/0 | no-more
    Physical interface: xe-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 648, SNMP ifIndex: 507, Generation: 139
      Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9216, MRU: 0, Speed: 10Gbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled,
      Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Disabled, Media type: Fiber
      Device flags   : Present Running
      Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
      Link flags     : None
      CoS queues     : 12 supported, 12 maximum usable queues
      Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
      Current address: [...], Hardware address: [...]
      Last flapped   : 2016-05-09 11:28:23 NZST (201w6d 21:27 ago)
      Statistics last cleared: Never
      Traffic statistics:
       Input  bytes  :      383602663833237             86073216 bps
       Output bytes  :      648662469303427             14226464 bps
       Input  packets:         150520077772                 2312 pps
       Output packets:         178483994991                 2507 pps
       IPv6 transit statistics:
        Input  bytes  :                   0
        Output bytes  :                   0
        Input  packets:                   0
        Output packets:                   0
      Input errors:
        Errors: 1202, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 1202, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0,
        L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
      Output errors:
        Carrier transitions: 1, Errors: 0, Drops: 4485, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0,
        MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
      Egress queues: 12 supported, 6 in use
      Queue counters:       Queued packets  Transmitted packets      Dropped packets
        0                                0         177334665657                   11
        3                                0                    0                    0
        4                                0                    0                    0
        5                                0                    0                    0
        7                                0             68153008                    0
        8                                0            941175214                 4474
      Queue number:         Mapped forwarding classes
        0                   best-effort
        3                   fcoe
        4                   no-loss
        5                   fc-voip
        7                   network-control
        8                   mcast
      Active alarms  : None
      Active defects : None
      MAC statistics:                      Receive         Transmit
        Total octets               383602663833237  648662469303427
        Total packets                 150520077772     178483994991
        Unicast packets               150428860495     177671937708
        Broadcast packets                 87145247        604251887
        Multicast packets                  4072030        207805396
        CRC/Align errors                      1202                0
        FIFO errors                              0                0
        MAC control frames                       0                0
        MAC pause frames                         2                0
        Oversized frames                         0
        Jabber frames                            0
        Fragment frames                          0
        VLAN tagged frames                       0
        Code violations                          0
      MAC Priority Flow Control Statistics:
        Priority :  0                             0                0
        Priority :  1                             0                0
        Priority :  2                             0                0
        Priority :  3                             0                0
        Priority :  4                             0                0
        Priority :  5                             0                0
        Priority :  6                             0                0
        Priority :  7                             0                0
      Filter statistics:
        Input packet count                       0
        Input packet rejects                     0
        Input DA rejects                         0
        Input SA rejects                         0
        Output packet count                                       0
        Output packet pad count                                   0
        Output packet error count                                 0
        CAM destination filters: 1, CAM source filters: 0
      Packet Forwarding Engine configuration:
        Destination slot: 0 (0x00)
      Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
      Logical interface xe-0/0/0.0 (Index 560) (SNMP ifIndex 568) (Generation 145)
        Description: T03esx01 Storage
        Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x24024000 Encapsulation: Ethernet-Bridge
        Traffic statistics:
         Input  bytes  :           6181818879
         Output bytes  :           1373292336
         Input  packets:             91246388
         Output packets:              4401578
        Local statistics:
         Input  bytes  :           6181818879
         Output bytes  :           1373292336
         Input  packets:             91246388
         Output packets:              4401578
        Transit statistics:
         Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
         Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
         Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
         Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
        Protocol eth-switch, MTU: 9216, Generation: 167, Route table: 4
    admin@Tsw01> show interfaces extensive xe-0/0/30 | no-more
    Physical interface: xe-0/0/30, Enabled, Physical link is Up
      Interface index: 703, SNMP ifIndex: 619, Generation: 220
      Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 9216, MRU: 0, Speed: 10Gbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled,
      Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Media type: Fiber
      Device flags   : Present Running
      Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
      Link flags     : None
      CoS queues     : 12 supported, 12 maximum usable queues
      Hold-times     : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
      Current address: [...], Hardware address: [...]
      Last flapped   : 2020-03-05 16:29:07 NZDT (2w3d 17:28 ago)
      Statistics last cleared: Never
      Traffic statistics:
       Input  bytes  :          14356648926                    0 bps
       Output bytes  :          32420188821                11816 bps
       Input  packets:              5893150                    0 pps
       Output packets:            190352459                   16 pps
       IPv6 transit statistics:
        Input  bytes  :                   0
        Output bytes  :                   0
        Input  packets:                   0
        Output packets:                   0
      Input errors:
        Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0,
        L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
      Output errors:
        Carrier transitions: 3, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0,
        MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
      Egress queues: 12 supported, 6 in use
      Queue counters:       Queued packets  Transmitted packets      Dropped packets
        0                                0              6964966                    0
        3                                0                    0                    0
        4                                0                    0                    0
        5                                0                 5555                    0
        7                                0               126939                    0
        8                                0            169235477                    0
      Queue number:         Mapped forwarding classes
        0                   best-effort
        3                   fcoe
        4                   no-loss
        5                   fc-voip
        7                   network-control
        8                   mcast
      Active alarms  : None
      Active defects : None
      MAC statistics:                      Receive         Transmit
        Total octets                   14356648926      32420188821
        Total packets                      5893150        190352459
        Unicast packets                    5784787        107066308
        Broadcast packets                    39391         53875311
        Multicast packets                    68972         29410840
        CRC/Align errors                         0                0
        FIFO errors                              0                0
        MAC control frames                       0                0
        MAC pause frames                         9                0
        Oversized frames                         0
        Jabber frames                            0
        Fragment frames                          0
        VLAN tagged frames                 5824118
        Code violations                          0
      MAC Priority Flow Control Statistics:
        Priority :  0                             0                0
        Priority :  1                             0                0
        Priority :  2                             0                0
        Priority :  3                             0                0
        Priority :  4                             0                0
        Priority :  5                             0                0
        Priority :  6                             0                0
        Priority :  7                             0                0
      Filter statistics:
        Input packet count                       0
        Input packet rejects                     0
        Input DA rejects                         0
        Input SA rejects                         0
        Output packet count                                       0
        Output packet pad count                                   0
        Output packet error count                                 0
        CAM destination filters: 1, CAM source filters: 0
      Packet Forwarding Engine configuration:
        Destination slot: 0 (0x00)
      CoS information:
        Direction : Output
        CoS transmit queue               Bandwidth               Buffer Priority   Limit
                                  %            bps     %           usec
        0 best-effort             5      500000000     5              0      low    none
        3 fcoe                   35     3500000000    35              0      low    none
        4 no-loss                35     3500000000    35              0      low    none
        7 network-control         5      500000000     5              0      low    none
        8 mcast                  20     2000000000    20              0      low    none
      Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
      Logical interface xe-0/0/30.0 (Index 603) (SNMP ifIndex 620) (Generation 225)
        Description: T04ESX01 Access
        Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x24024000 Encapsulation: Ethernet-Bridge
        Traffic statistics:
         Input  bytes  :             12644715
         Output bytes  :             67513939
         Input  packets:               110057
         Output packets:               471768
        Local statistics:
         Input  bytes  :             12644715
         Output bytes  :             67513939
         Input  packets:               110057
         Output packets:               471768
        Transit statistics:
         Input  bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
         Output bytes  :                    0                    0 bps
         Input  packets:                    0                    0 pps
         Output packets:                    0                    0 pps
        Protocol eth-switch, MTU: 9216, Generation: 243, Route table: 4
          Flags: Trunk-Mode

    It's interesting to see that the 'CoS information' portion of the output is there in xe-0/0/30 but not in xe-0/0/0 - perhaps this is due to the custom traffic control profile and scheduler that I've configured?

  • 4.  RE: Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output

    Posted 03-23-2020 12:36

     Not sure if you manually changed this part of the output:


    interfaces {
        xe-[chassis/slot/port] {
            forwarding-class-set {
                fcs-default {


    But, could you try using "*" to apply it to all XE ports and confirm?

    interfaces {
        xe-* {
    forwarding-class-set { fcs-default {




    If it helps clearing your concern, please mark as solved!

  • 5.  RE: Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output

    Posted 03-24-2020 15:31

    Hi egarro,


    Yes I modified that part of the output to make it easier to read the config dump.


    Unfortunately I can't make further changes to the configuration because the switch is in production.  However, I can provide a list of interfaces that we've configured under class-of-service interfaces

    admin@Tsw01> show configuration class-of-service interfaces | match 0/0

    xe-0/0/0 {
    xe-0/0/1 {
    xe-0/0/2 {
    xe-0/0/3 {
    xe-0/0/4 {
    xe-0/0/5 {
    xe-0/0/6 {
    xe-0/0/7 {
    xe-0/0/8 {
    xe-0/0/9 {
    xe-0/0/10 {
    xe-0/0/11 {
    xe-0/0/12 {
    xe-0/0/13 {
    xe-0/0/14 {
    xe-0/0/15 {
    xe-0/0/16 {
    xe-0/0/17 {
    xe-0/0/18 {
    xe-0/0/19 {
    xe-0/0/20 {
    xe-0/0/21 {
    ge-0/0/22 {
    xe-0/0/24 {
    xe-0/0/25 {
    ge-0/0/26 {
    ge-0/0/27 {
    ge-0/0/28 {
    ge-0/0/34 {
    ge-0/0/36 {
    ge-0/0/42 {
    ge-0/0/45 {
    ge-0/0/46 {

  • 6.  RE: Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output

    Posted 03-25-2020 02:02

    Hi ,


    Good day !

    Can you run the command " show class-of-service forwarding-table " let me know what the output is .


    Regards ,


  • 7.  RE: Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-25-2020 13:33

    Hi jrb18,


    I did some testing with your configuration on a higher code and got no errors either.  However, I noticed the same behavior, portion of the COS information for the interface extensive as well as under show class-of-service forwarding-table was missing.


    Further checking a found an old PR confirming this is an expected behavior as only system default scheduler maps will show. The PR is no longer available as it was reported some years ago, but here it is as a reference: PR911664.


     For now, please use “show interfaces queue, show class-of-service classifier name and "show class-of-service forwarding-class-set" to verify your configuration." And more important, check that the traffic control profile and your classifiers are correctly matching the desire interface  using “show class-of-service interface”



    show class-of-service interface xe-0/0/5 3:0
    Physical interface: xe-0/0/53:0, Index: 700
    Maximum usable queues: 12, Queues in use: 6
    Exclude aggregate overhead bytes: disabled
    Logical interface aggregate statistics: disabled
      Congestion-notification: Disabled
      Forwarding class set: fcs-default, Index: 34368
        Output traffic control profile: tcp-lan, Index: 64836
      Forwarding class set: fcs-mcast, Index: 62448
        Output traffic control profile: tcp-lan-mcast, Index: 27045
      Logical interface: xe-0/0/53:0.0, Index: 602
    Object                  Name                   Type                    Index
    Classifier              cl-voip                dscp                    21876
    Classifier              cl-ieee-mcast          ieee8021p               11071



     Hope that solves the mistery! Smiley Very Happy


    If it helps clearing your concern, please mark as solved!




  • 8.  RE: Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output

    Posted 03-25-2020 15:56

    Many thanks for this egarro - it's really helpful to know that this is expected behaviour

  • 9.  RE: Interfaces configured with CoS not appearing in forwarding-table output

    Posted 03-25-2020 16:17

    Sure! Glad to help!