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I can't see the IP address of the VLAN ?!!

  • 1.  I can't see the IP address of the VLAN ?!!

    Posted 08-18-2022 17:48


    I'm new to Juniper Switches and I configured a VLAN with an IP address on Juniper Switch but I can't see the IP address when I type show configuration terse ??

    I'm connection this port to a Mikrotik router and I can't ping the Mikrotik with an IP on the same segment ?

    Last question Can I enable web interface on any Juniper Switch ?

    Best Regards


  • 2.  RE: I can't see the IP address of the VLAN ?!!

    Posted 08-18-2022 18:09
    Show configuration terse is not a valid command, do you mean show interfaces terse? Did you commit your changes? Posting a config and topology would help.

  • 3.  RE: I can't see the IP address of the VLAN ?!!

    Posted 08-18-2022 20:04
    As Ibrahim notes the command to see status of interfaces is
    show interfaces terse

    If the interface is an irb one, then at least one physical interface in that vlan will need to be in the up/up status for the irb layer 3 interface to come up/up.

    Jweb can be enabled on ex switches but with some models it does require installing the jweb application service for models
    EX2300/EX3400 & EX4300-MP & EX4650 & EX2300-MP

    Once installed you need to enable jweb under system
    set system services web-management https system-generated-certificate

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 4.  RE: I can't see the IP address of the VLAN ?!!

    Posted 08-19-2022 05:00
    Hello @spuluka,

    Can you please help me in that what should I do to make the IP address of the VLAN appear ​in show interfaces terse ?

    I did it on Family , unit , init ?!!

    is this the right way ? 

    Best Regards


  • 5.  RE: I can't see the IP address of the VLAN ?!!

    Posted 08-19-2022 19:59