Yes, im refer to SDI --> Log Collector. Thanks for your guide .
Original Message:
Sent: 02-19-2024 04:06
From: MGi
Subject: How to set time zone and ntp on Log Collector 23.1?
As Log Collector is deprecated long time ago, I believe you're running Security Director Insights (SDI). It has new (not necessarily good) and limited CLI.
Just ssh to your SDI VM, type "server" and from there you can set/change various system settings as DNS, hostname, NTP, TZ, etc.
The ?
is always your friend in this useless CLI.
applications Change to the Applications configuration mode
diagnosis Change to the diagnosis mode
exit Exit the CLI session
help Display an overview of the CLI syntax
history Display the current session's command line history
server Change to the server configuration mode
wizard Run the configuration wizard
sd-insights:Core# server
Entering the server configuration mode...
sd-insights:Core#(server)# set
system-update Start a system update
cli Set the CLI settings
clock Set the current date and time
support Enable/Disable the support account access
dns Set the DNS servers (or enable DHCP for DNS) for
an interface
hostname Set the system's host name
ip Set the IP address, netmask and default gateway
(or set DHCP) for an interface
ntpserver Set the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server
password Set a new password for the CLI admin
proxy Set the proxy server
timezone Set the current timezone
sd-insights:Core#(server)# set timezone
String The time zone
M Gi
Original Message:
Sent: 02-17-2024 05:18
From: kronicklez
Subject: How to set time zone and ntp on Log Collector 23.1?
I'm using version 23.1. The command that u mention not available.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-15-2024 02:08
Subject: How to set time zone and ntp on Log Collector 23.1?
this should have been setup when the Log Collector was deployed.... however...
First off, check you firewall rules allow NTP from the Log Collector to the NTP Server.
Next, on the Log Collector, check you have configured the ntp server in /etc/ntp.conf file...
To change this file:
- stop the service : /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
- update the ntp server settings in the file: (ntpd -gq)
- start the service : /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Original Message:
Sent: 02-14-2024 09:22
From: kronicklez
Subject: How to set time zone and ntp on Log Collector 23.1?
Hi all,
I'm facing issue on SD said Log Collector time not synchronize. May i know how to set Log Collector to pointing to NTP server and change time zone same as our Junos Space/SD.
Thanks and appreciate any feedback