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  • 1.  How to find a Trust and Untrust interfaces

    Posted 03-22-2023 22:11

    Hi Guys,

    We have a 1500 srx firewall,I am confused how can I find trust flow(or interface) and Untrust flow (or interface) in by using configuration in firewall.i saw in firewall,but there is no clue from me,there are not mention trust and untrust.there using names convention only please help on this.



    Rakesh A

  • 2.  RE: How to find a Trust and Untrust interfaces

    Posted 03-22-2023 22:20

    Hello Rakesh,

    There is no such thing as trusted and untrusted zones like how we have in Cisco, in SRX devices.  Its all custom names which you configure for the zones. 

    If you are looking for policies which would allow or deny traffic, then it would be in "show configuration security policies |display set" stanza 


    Brijil R

  • 3.  RE: How to find a Trust and Untrust interfaces

    Posted 03-23-2023 08:59

    Some of the branch SRX ship with default configurations that have zone names trust and untrust. But as Brijil mentions these are optional to keep and typically are replaced by names chosen by the team at deploy.

    From a config review process I would look at the following at the normal operation prompt.

    This will show you the list of configured zones and basic settings

    show security zones

    This will show the current policies active

    show security policies

    From there you can dig into particulars you want to pull more details on

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)