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Ask questions and share experiences with SD-WAN and Session Smart Router (formerly 128T).
  • 1.  How does a neighborhood port-range restrict my available session capacity?

    Posted 07-26-2018 00:00
    I need to apply a port-range to a neighborhood to restrict inbound access to my waypoint to ports 10000-11000. How will this limit the number of sessions I can send over SVR to this waypoint? I believe that we use both the source and destination port for uniqueness, so I think this will be 1000 destination ports x however many available source ports (16000?), which still leaves a very high number of sessions, but I want to be sure. Also, this is on a per-peer basis correct? So each peer would theoretically be able to get a max of 16,000,000 sessions through to this router. ¾ Obviously, I don't expect to actually achieve this number of sessions, but I want to make sure my understanding of the max capacity is correct.

  • 2.  RE: How does a neighborhood port-range restrict my available session capacity?

    Posted 07-26-2018 00:00

    You are correct. However that just restricts the destination ports. We currently do not have anything to restrict local ports. So it will be 1000 * 50K - available number of source ports. We currently only support 50K total waypoints per path.


    This is on a per path basis. If a peer has 3 paths, and this is configured for each of them, then each path will have this property.