It's really straightforward, actually. All you should need to do is tell a router to load its application ID modules via a single configuration line:
admin@labsystem1.conductor# conf auth router livingroom application-identification mode module
admin@labsystem1.conductor# commit
Are you sure you want to commit the candidate config? [y/N]: y
Validating, then committing...
Configuration committed
admin@labsystem1.conductor# show application names router livingroom
Wed 2018-04-04 16:35:44 EDT
Node: labsystem2.livingroom ====================== =============== ================ ===================== =====================
Application Name Session Count Ip Tuple Count Date Discovered Last Updated
====================== =============== ================ ===================== =====================
* 1 1 2018-04-04 16:35:07 2018-04-04 16:35:07
Completed in 0.59 seconds
Modules are located in /etc/128technology/application-modules, and you should have there already (it gets installed with our software by default).