Work / Life - I was already someone who struggled with work/life balance, and found the pandemic did not help matters at all there. What I found is I had to make my own 'commute' time - dedicated time during every work day where I shut down and stop looking at devices and just focus on something else. That could be a simple as a walk around the neighborhood, a quick nap, or reading a book. But not having that commute / snack break / travel time was something that required adjustment.
My company went 100% to work from home, and we will remain in that fashion at least until September 2021. I'm really looking forward to some business travel again, which relates to that 'down time' I talked about previously. But ensuring you are focused on a single thing you are working on - that took many of us a lot of time and practice to get good at it when we all had to work from home with pets, family, etc. going on around us and need to continue that.
I expect we will go back to a more hybrid approach of 2-3 days at home and 2-3 days in the office going forward. I expect the office space in my environment to change to a more flexible space setup, and having 'my' desk may be a thing of the past. I actually prefer work from home with business travel as needed, but most of that will depend on how much business travel starts coming back into vogue.
My company has been supportive of the current approaches, and has no intentions for force everyone back.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-02-2021 12:13
From: Lisa Ricard
Subject: How are you doing?
Here on the Innovators Circle Community, we hope you and your family are doing well during these unprecedented times. As the vaccine is becoming more readily available, and more and more are opting to inoculate themselves, we are beginning to see businesses lift their COVID-19 restrictions and even bring their employees back into the offices. We thought we would check in to see how things are going in your personal and work lives and better understand your unique journey through COVID-19.
And, the first twenty (20) people who qualify to earn rewards and share a thoughtful post in this discussion will win one (1) guaranteed $5 eGift Card for their time. If you're with a public sector organization and can't accept the reward, we still welcome your input, as your feedback is also critical to how Juniper shapes their actions. To see contest rules, click here.
Personal Life
- When thinking about life before the pandemic, during the pandemic and now, how has your ability to manage your time changed, if at all?
- Did your company implement any changes as a result of COVID-19? Now that things are beginning to lift, are these changes something you plan on continually doing, and if so for how long?
- What type of work style (i.e., in-person, hybrid, etc.) are you currently working within a typical work week? Is this your overall work style preference and why or why not?
- How if at all can your company support you if your work style is different from your preference?
Innovators Circle Moderator