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  • 1.  Help about Python script for fxp0 ip recovery.

    Posted 06-30-2020 08:19

    Hi all,

    I wrote a script that saves the configuration of an mx960 on a remote server when an operator gives the command "op".

    I would like the script to automatically take the ip of the master fxp0 from the local configuration and then be able to use it as the scp source.

    I can't understand which method to use ... in all the documentation I read about Pyez, but I can't get it to work on the local configuration. I suppose it works only  for remote connections or am I wrong?

    simone@LAB-RE0> show configuration groups re0 interfaces fxp0 unit 0 family inet | display xml 
    <rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
        <configuration junos:commit-seconds="1593435526" junos:commit-localtime="2020-06-29 14:58:46 CEST" junos:commit-user="simone">

    I'm interested in taking the IP and putting it in a variable.

    Thanks for help.


  • 2.  RE: Help about Python script for fxp0 ip recovery.

    Posted 06-30-2020 08:28

    Hi simonev, 



    To answer your first part, how to fetch the fxp IP you could use something like below : 

    from jnpr.junos import Device
    from lxml import etree
    with Device(host='', use_filter=True) as dev:
        sax_input = '<interface-information><physical-interface><name/></physical-interface></interface-information>' >>Use relevant xml tag, address in our case.
        result = dev.rpc.get_interface_information(filter_xml=sax_input) 
        print (etree.tostring(reply, encoding='unicode'))



    Hope this helps. Smiley Happy
    Mark "Accept as solution" if this answers your query.  Kudos are appreciated too! 



    Sharat Ainapur


  • 3.  RE: Help about Python script for fxp0 ip recovery.

    Posted 07-03-2020 08:49

    HI Sharat,

    I had to adapt and change my target. Now in my script I have: 


    root@LAB-RE0:/var/db/scripts/op # more
    from jnpr.junos import Device
    from lxml import etree
    import jxmlease
    import json
    from junos import Junos_Configuration
    import jcs
    def main():
       dev = Device()
        filter = '<system><ntp><source-address></source-address></ntp></system>'            
        data = dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml=filter, options={'format':'set'}) 
        print (etree.tostring(data, encoding='unicode', pretty_print=True))  
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    when I run it I have this result:

    root@LAB-RE0> op    
    set system ntp source-address

    OK, now How can I extrapolate only the ip '' and insert it in a variable?



  • 4.  RE: Help about Python script for fxp0 ip recovery.

    Posted 07-03-2020 18:00



    You can use the following to only get the IP address from the set command output:


    from jnpr.junos import Device
    from lxml import etree
    import jxmlease
    import json
    from junos import Junos_Configuration
    import jcs

    def main():
    dev = Device()

    filter = '<system><ntp><source-address></source-address></ntp></system>'
    data = dev.rpc.get_config(filter_xml=filter, options={'format':'set'})

    #print (etree.tostring(data, encoding='unicode', pretty_print=True))
    data=data.split(" ")
    print data

    if __name__ == "__main__":


    Hope this helps

  • 5.  RE: Help about Python script for fxp0 ip recovery.
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-04-2020 16:06

    Instead of parsing large get_config you can try following script:


    rsp = dev.rpc.get_interface_information(interface_name='fxp0', terse=True)
    I = rsp.xpath("//ifa-local")[0].text                               #Variable with FXP0 IPaddress with mask
    i = I.split("/")[0]                                                            #Spliting and capturing only IP address

  • 6.  RE: Help about Python script for fxp0 ip recovery.

    Posted 07-06-2020 07:54

    Thank you,
    this is also a working solution! I thought I'd use it in case I wasn't able to get the master fxp0's ip.