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  • 1.  GRPC Routing-Instance

    Posted 11-29-2023 19:18


    I'm upgrading my Apstra to 4.2 in my home-lab.

    Using vJunos switches (23.2R1.14).

    I'm getting some anomolies in Apstra, since Apstra is now using grpc since version 4.2

    Manually trying to enable this gets me the following error:

    [edit system services extension-service request-response grpc routing-instance]
      'routing-instance mgmt_junos'
        Referenced routing instance must be defined under [edit routing-instances] hierarchy level or in case of managment routing-instance 'mgmt_junos' make sure 'system management-instance' configuration is set
    error: configuration check-out failed: (statements constraint check failed)

    But the management-instance is there:

    dc3-LEAF1# show system | except SECRET-DATA 
    host-name dc3-LEAF1;
    root-authentication {
    login {
        user apstra_mgr {
            full-name Juniper_Apstra;
            uid 2000;
            class super-user;
            authentication {
    services {
        ssh {
            root-login deny;
            protocol-version v2;
        extension-service {
            request-response {
                grpc {
                    ssl {
                        port 32767;
                        local-certificate aos_grpc;
                    ## Warning: Referenced routing instance must be defined under [edit routing-instances] hierarchy level or in case of managment routing-instance 'mgmt_junos' make sure 'system management-instance' configuration is set
                    routing-instance mgmt_junos;
        netconf {

    Is this a vJunos bug? Because in my other lab DC, the grpc config is pushed by Apstra without any errors. 



    Bart van Kampen