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  • 1.  EX/QFX transit pcap

    Posted 02-24-2019 01:15

    Hello all


    Can anyone tell me what are the options for getting a packet capture of transit traffic on EX and QFX?


    Many thanks



  • 2.  RE: EX/QFX transit pcap

    Posted 02-24-2019 01:59

    It is impossible , but you can port mirror traffic for analyzer

  • 3.  RE: EX/QFX transit pcap

    Posted 02-24-2019 03:41

    OK so port-mirror the only way.. 

    Is it possible to configure a mirror to use a tunnel to another PE?


    Thanks, Akushner.



  • 4.  RE: EX/QFX transit pcap
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-24-2019 05:41

    instructions for local and remote port mirror are listed in this kb article.





  • 5.  RE: EX/QFX transit pcap

    Posted 02-26-2019 04:51

    Thanks, Steve.