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  • 1.  EX3400 system alarm: Health-mon subsystem not running

    Posted 01-24-2024 05:26
    Edited by spuluka 01-24-2024 06:15

    Hey all,

    We got some 40 used EX3400-48P and have the system alarm "Health-mon subsystem not running"

    We tried recommended Junos 21.4R3-S5, as well as latest 23.4R1.9 with USB install media .

    Config was zeroized and deleted completly, we don't see any config that enables/disables such subsystem. Any help to get rid of this alarm...doesn't look like any hardware failure.


  • 2.  RE: EX3400 system alarm: Health-mon subsystem not running

    Posted 01-25-2024 04:01


    Not something I have seen and we have hundreds of EX3400s running on 21.4R3-S5, have you tried installing junos by booting from a usb?

    Many Thanks


  • 3.  RE: EX3400 system alarm: Health-mon subsystem not running

    Posted 01-25-2024 19:31

    Health monitoring is part of the snmp configuration.  I've not seen this log before but perhaps snmp is setup and not enabled for health?

    set snmp health-monitor

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)