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  • 1.  ex2300 required license for ospf feature

    Posted 12-19-2022 00:50
    we have ex2300 and want to use ospf feature.
    but after enable that feature.. there is a warrning:
    "warning: requires 'ospf' license"

    but it seems to be working.
    what happen  if we continue to use that ? any idea?


  • 2.  RE: ex2300 required license for ospf feature

    Posted 12-19-2022 10:44
    Most Junos features that are licensed are implemented as you have seen here on the honor system. 

    The feature is present and can be enabled working and will generate the warning that the feature is part of a license mode that should be purchased.

    Once the license is added the warning will go away.

    Most licensed features continue to work with the warning but there may be a time limit or suppression of the feature in future versions that would cause it to stop working without the installed license.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: ex2300 required license for ospf feature

    Posted 12-19-2022 10:51
    How do we assign ip in particular vlan?
    also can we set secondary ip on ex2300?


  • 4.  RE: ex2300 required license for ospf feature

    Posted 12-19-2022 12:55
    Layer 3 interfaces for vlans are virtual and called IRB configured on interfaces.
    • add the interface and gateway for the vlan address
    • add the interface as the layer 3 for that vlan
    The details are in this documentation.

    You can add multiple ip addresses to the same interface.  You add the primary key word for what you want to be the main address and all others are secondary. If none are called primary I think the lowest ip number will be used.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 5.  RE: ex2300 required license for ospf feature

    Posted 12-19-2022 19:21
    Do we need add other license to create vlan layer3 and assign ip on it? Especially for ex2300 devices.


  • 6.  RE: ex2300 required license for ospf feature

    Posted 12-20-2022 06:01
    You need to ensure which license do you use on the EX2300 (flex licensing or "traditional" licensing).
    Please refer to below links on the differences:




    you need advance license (Flex licensing) or EFL ("traditional" licensing) to enable OSPF

    Masagung Nugroho

  • 7.  RE: ex2300 required license for ospf feature

    Posted 12-20-2022 08:20
    In case we got second ex2300 .
    and we dont know where the origin distribution.
    is it possible to purchase license from the seller/partner or others?
    if yes then let us know the seller that can help us to licensing my ex2300


  • 8.  RE: ex2300 required license for ospf feature

    Posted 12-20-2022 08:27
    Licenses can be purchased at any time and applied to specific devices.  In addition to partners other resellers like CDW have these available for purchase.

    A partner could help you determine what features are applicable to your use case.

    And the product documentation site shows all the details on features and license inclusions.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)