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  • 1.  EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 10-30-2015 07:11

    I saw the following message on one of our switches so I ran the following commands:


    request system snapshot media internal slice alternate


    request system reboot slice alternate media internal


    to fix the primary partition and test booting from it.  However, the switch is still booting from the backup partition after it reboots. 


    Here is the output from show system storage partitions:


    Boot Media: internal (da0)
    Active Partition: da0s1a
    Backup Partition: da0s2a
    Currently booted from: backup (da0s2a)

    Partitions information:
      Partition  Size   Mountpoint
      s1a        183M   altroot
      s2a        184M   /
      s3d        369M   /var/tmp
      s3e        123M   /var
      s4d        62M    /config


    and the output from show system snapshot media internal:


    Information for snapshot on       internal (/dev/da0s1a) (primary)
    Creation date: Mar 14 03:13:03 2014
    JUNOS version on snapshot:
      jbase  : ex-12.3R6.6
      jkernel-ex-2200: 12.3R6.6
      jweb-ex: 12.3R6.6
      jcrypto-ex: 12.3R6.6
      jdocs-ex: 12.3R6.6
      jswitch-ex: 12.3R6.6
      jpfe-ex22x: 12.3R6.6
      jroute-ex: 12.3R6.6
      fips-mode-arm: 12.3R6.6
    Information for snapshot on       internal (/dev/da0s2a) (backup)
    Creation date: Mar 13 09:35:06 2014
    JUNOS version on snapshot:
      jbase  : ex-12.3R6.6
      jkernel-ex-2200: 12.3R6.6
      jweb-ex: 12.3R6.6
      jcrypto-ex: 12.3R6.6
      jdocs-ex: 12.3R6.6
      jswitch-ex: 12.3R6.6
      jpfe-ex22x: 12.3R6.6
      jroute-ex: 12.3R6.6
      fips-mode-arm: 12.3R6.6


    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • 2.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 11-08-2015 03:39


    First command :

    request system snapshot media internal slice ?

    Second command :

    request system reboot slice ?





     And use KB23180 for any further information

  • 3.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 09-29-2016 00:53



    Have you managed to solve this issue? I'm having exactly  the same issue, but with ex3300-48t switch and the same 12.3R6.6 junos.


    I followed all the manuals on juniper site considering this issue, but no help. Rebooted 3 times already, still boots from backup. 


    The commands showd in previous messages not working with ex switches:



     request system snapshot media internal slice 1
    syntax error, expecting <data>.


  • 4.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 09-29-2016 06:20



    what version junos that u use? U just need to configure "set system auto-snapshot" . Then it will do automotaically.




  • 5.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 09-29-2016 12:11

    The version is, as I've stated above 12.3R6.6

    Why should I care about auto snapshot, if even manual snapshot is not working? It does not matter, how many times I do snapshot to alternate slice, I end up with switch booting from backup partition... What do I do to solve it?

  • 6.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 09-30-2016 14:51


  • 7.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 10-01-2016 13:00

    Hi romeo.r,


    Use the alternate statement instead of '1' statement .

    request system snapshot media internal slice alternate
    request system reboot slice alternate media internal

    If still does not work , please show me the output of :

    request system snapshot media internal slice ?

    Use KB23180 for further information


    And can you share us the ourput of :


    show system snapshot media internal
    show system snapshot media internal slice 1
    show system snapshot media internal slice 2

    Please be aware that if your switch is part of virtual chassis you can use :

    request system snapshot media internal slice alternate member member-id



  • 8.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 10-03-2016 05:00



    thanks for reply.


    After I do (and I did multiple times already 😞 ) this:


    request system snapshot media internal slice alternate
    request system reboot slice alternate media internal

    Switch reboots from backup partition anyway :(. Thats is my problem.


    roman@bb-a4f-10g-sw1> show system snapshot media internal
    Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s1a) (backup)
    Creation date: Mar 13 11:44:32 2014
    JUNOS version on snapshot:
    jbase : ex-12.3R6.6
    jkernel-ex-3300: 12.3R6.6
    jcrypto-ex: 12.3R6.6
    jweb-ex: 12.3R6.6
    jdocs-ex: 12.3R6.6
    jswitch-ex: 12.3R6.6
    jpfe-ex33x: 12.3R6.6
    jroute-ex: 12.3R6.6
    fips-mode-arm: 12.3R6.6
    Information for snapshot on internal (/dev/da0s2a) (primary)
    Creation date: Sep 7 18:08:19 2016
    JUNOS version on snapshot:
    jbase : ex-12.3R6.6
    jkernel-ex-3300: 12.3R6.6
    jcrypto-ex: 12.3R6.6
    jweb-ex: 12.3R6.6
    jdocs-ex: 12.3R6.6
    jswitch-ex: 12.3R6.6
    jpfe-ex33x: 12.3R6.6
    jroute-ex: 12.3R6.6
    fips-mode-arm: 12.3R6.6



    roman@bb-a4f-10g-sw1> show system snapshot media internal slice 1
    error: command is not valid on the ex3300-48t
    roman@bb-a4f-10g-sw1> show system storage partitions
    Boot Media: internal (da0)
    Active Partition: da0s2a
    Backup Partition: da0s1a
    Currently booted from: backup (da0s1a)
    Partitions information:
      Partition  Size   Mountpoint
      s1a        183M   /
      s2a        184M   altroot
      s3d        369M   /var/tmp
      s3e        123M   /var
      s4d        62M    /config


  • 9.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 10-07-2016 12:11

    Alright 🙂
    Lets try another way to solve this problem .
    Lets try installing a new image using the CLI or J-Web. The newly installed image will become the primary image, and the device will boot from it on the next reboot.

    And to ensure that the resilient dual-root partitions feature operates correctly, execute the following command to copy the new Junos OS image into the alternate root partition:

    user@switch> request system snapshot slice alternate


    Please update me if that help !

  • 10.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 10-16-2016 23:25



    Thanks for an option. I'll try this one during next maintenance period. I will install JTAC recommended software version - Junos 12.3R12

  • 11.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 05-31-2021 23:49
    Edited by Arie 05-31-2021 23:49
    This is an old thread, but it lacks closure as I was able to reproduce the described issue and cannot get my EX3300-48P to boot off the primary image after a power failure.   I've done request system snapshot slice alternate  and  request system reboot slice alternate.  The commands appear to work but after rebooting I'm right back onto the backup image again with a minor alert showing.  I've not figured out a way to get back onto the primary image yet.  Junos 12.3R12.4.  If anyone has a solution to this problem to bring closure to this thread I'd very much appreciate it.

  • 12.  RE: EX2200 Host 0 Boot from backup root

    Posted 01-20-2023 10:41
    if the set the below command, the snapshot will auto correct itself if it boots from the backup and the primary is corrupts on the 2200's
    The switch will be slow on responses if you ssh in it is repairing the primary partition.

    set system auto-snapshot

    Steven Skula